The 3:00AM Room 6.5SaiyaGina on DeviantArt

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SaiyaGina's avatar

The 3:00AM Room 6.5



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Sorry, this comic is only in spanish, even if it were in english, it won't make any sense, but you're free to download and watch!... ok it's a horrible comic quality but it's intended to be freehand and full of crap =P

Este capítulo es la continuación del mostrado en Epsilon 06

... omfg siempre me tardo trillones de años para hacer estos comics... y ni siquiera están bien dibujados! Jajaja chéquense la calidad y el especial cuidado a los detalles, son un deleite *puaj* =B
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hetalia-Swiss's avatar
*o* ! ! hermoso! * lo descarga*