Thx for the watch my true friend!😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😋😋😋😋😋😋😋☺
You're welcome bruh! ! You deserve the support!!Strong hug,seu lindo!! 😉👍
Thx my friend! See ya.
Our PfP's look like they're related brooo
Yeah, But I think everyone loves cats!! My family has always had one or two..Nowadays I kind of don't even have it for myself, so it's hard!! 🥲
I have 3 cats, and around 8 random barn cats living in our barn/shed! Cats are awesome, I think everyone had that moment of petting their first cat and then petting it for a straight hour or so. (Or that was just me tbh-) Also, if there are no cats within 3 miles of me, I would sob on the concrete, so I can confirm IT IS SO HARD TO NOT OWN A CAT AAAA
WOW!! A total of 11 cats!! Well-trained, they can already form a military defense team... KKKKK.. But seriously, I miss a pet and above all, have some time for it!! Anyway, sadness... But okay, I still keep the ball in play!! 😉👍