Current Residence: USA
Favorite genre of music: See above...
Favorite photographer: idea. Someone recommend one to me!
Favorite style of art: See directly above...
Operating System: Windows
MP3 player of choice: Ipod
Shell of choice: See "Favorite Style"
Wallpaper of choice: It changes...
Skin of choice: My own.
Favorite cartoon character: I've got far too many, my friend!
Personal Quote: "Weird is the New Normal!"
Skype/email address:
Are you doing art requets?
Happy birthday 🎂
I came from youtube and I see that a youtuber call
KyleKallgrenBHH painted you as a misogynist from not liking the marvels.
I just wanted to know what do you thing of him.
Hey uh, hi
I am one of the iditic friends Danny had (And hope still have) that were against breaking up with the gotdamn piece of shit that calls himself a boyfriend AKA Victor
I just wanted to ask you... how is Danny? Is she okay? Are you ttwo still dating=
I'm a third party in this, and while I don't have all the answers you want - I think all I can really really tell you is no. They aren't. Last I saw of Danny, she had the delusion she was marrying the prince of England - if that's any indication.
Sorry to answer like this, but I'm sure this guy just kinda wants to move on and not answer questions about his ex.
I'm terribly sorry, had no idea
may I offer a hug in these trying times?