Age: 17
Gender/Sex: Female
Birthday: January 26, two days before Ashley Purdy's birthday, making him two days less than 13 years older than me.
Orientation: I'll date who I want, dude or chick
Relationship Status: Single
Interests: Writing, reading fanfics and manga, watching anime, drawing, yaoi, going to cons, RPing (Roleplaying), Cosplaying, GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS!
Favorite song: "New Year's Day" - Black Veil Brides
Current Residence: Southern IL
Favorite genre of music: I like too many kinds to name.
Favorite style of art: manga/anime
Operating System: Crappy DELL laptop
Favorite cartoon character: Bender B. Rodriguez (Futurama)
Personal Quote: I listen to what I want, I dress how I want, I do what I want, and you can't do a damn thing about it!
Favorite Quote: "Everything happens for a reason, and although it may not seem like it sometimes, you are exactly where you should be. Make the best of it." - Christian "CC" Coma
Used one of your bases.