Fairy Godmother RoxanneSailorPrincess95 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sailorprincess95/art/Fairy-Godmother-Roxanne-1128180360SailorPrincess95

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Fairy Godmother Roxanne



Here is some more backstory and a more proper introductory read to my OC Roxanne Laurent (pronounced la-RON, like "Saint Laurent"). I noticed she has a passing similarity to my fairy godmother Aija. So I decided to make them related. I also have wanted to make a deaf OC since my best friend's fiancé is deaf and I learned about it through her. So here is Roxanne combining two aspects of those ideas. Here is her full story.

Roxanne is the niece of Aija, the fairy godmother who assisted Lumen. At sixteen, she is the youngest person to be given the title of Fairy Godmother, and a very energetic, sprightly girl. Her first princess mission was Ruby Gillman. Roxanne is one of the most optimistic, acrobatic young girls. She basically has two interests: studying magic and cheerleading.

Unusual for a cheerleader though, Roxanne is deaf. She was born deaf and hearing aids do not work on her. While she can talk, she has a lisp, so she communicates primarily through sign language with Aija as an interpreter. She learned to cheer first through syncopated drum beats from her aunt. Now, she uses infrasonic pulses in the mat timed to the music so she can keep pace to the routine through feeling rather than sound (it's the same technique crocodiles use to find prey; look it up). She has also been known to sign the cheers when able.

Roxanne is determined and energetic, and proves deaf people can do anything hearing people can do.

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