sagesteppe's avatar


any way the wind blows
Years Ago
48 Members377 Watchers

Comments 156

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AncientEldritch's avatar
Sagesteppe is open until August 17th, 2023.  View our website for more information:
coffee-n-cats's avatar
i had 0 idea that this group was the revamp to Amidst-the-Sagebrush!!
that's just priceless -- so good to see that the revamp was successful!
astrieology's avatar

thank you so much!!!!

coffee-n-cats's avatar

ah no problem!

just reminiscing about the old group and oop--there it is!

you guys still up and running? i assume discord-only now with now eclipse is Skull (2017.09)

astrieology's avatar

unfortunately, the group's been closed since 2020 (eclipse swallowed us whole) D:

but i'm still really proud of what my team and i were able to put together here and it's made my week to know that you enjoyed it!!!! and that someone remembers ats, i seriously thought nobody did lol

who was your character?

WriterDragon's avatar
This group looks sooooo cool +0+