JACI in the Savannahsafyia110 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/safyia110/art/JACI-in-the-Savannah-635282259safyia110

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JACI in the Savannah



Jaci is a boabab Nymphle and as such, she is quite at home in the hottest of climates~  She does however, have a great dislike for the cold, and will insist upon bundling up in any temperature below 20 Celcius~  Though Dersert born, Jaci left her homeland quite early in life~  During her 20th year, while foraging for the best place to plant herself a HomeTree, Jaci came upon a portal~  Portal showed a land lush with vegetation, and unknown fauna~  Knowing this to be a once in a lifetime event, she didn't hesitate~  Jaci entered the portal, leaving her homeland behind and finding herself in a vast, wet rain forest~  From there, she lived happily for many years, growing up, learning the languages of the new plants and animals around her, befriending some and avoiding others as was her want~  She happened to come across a Karwan, or caravan traveling through the rain forest one morning that greatly piqued her interest~  Though not large, the troupe seemed to consist of so many different species, and races; and to her delight, most were sentient~  She learned the small troupe were traveling merchants of a sort, traveling not the forests, but to different worlds!  Wanting to see the many places they spoke of, she immediately joined their ranks, making a place for herself as the group's plant-keeper~  Using her natural ability to speak with and manipulate plants, she would nurture and care for rare plants and grow rare seeds for the group to sell at a high price to those who wanted them~  Never letting her small size hinder her, Jaci also volunteered to take on the task of the troupe's resident beast-master, caring for, breeding, and training the exotic animals that were sometimes traded to the Karwan~  Jaci has made a comfortable place for herself within the Karwan, now holding the role of advisor as well~  Jaci is also the adopted mother of Sukani, a Jasmine Tea LiqueNaga she received as a egg in a trade~

This image was painted by an old man who happened to come across an impossible thing one day~  He happened to witness Jaci's Karwan entering a portal one clear afternoon on the Savannah of a distant planet~  Of course his people believed him mad, but the image had made a huge impression upon him and he decided to paint the thing he remembered most vividly before the memory became lost with all the others in his aging mind~  The old man had fallen asleep under a shade tree~  When the Karwan passed by, Jaci noticed the man and went to check up on him~  Hopping onto the sleeping man's knee startled him awake, and finding him well, and spry, Jaci returned to her troupe and winked out of existence through the portal, leaving the old man to stare in wonder~

Check out more Nymphle here: :iconcrystallineforest:
Jaci (c) 2016 safyia110 
Intro Sheet by ReluctantSeductress
Nymphle are a species by NightPotion  and ReluctantSeductress
Image size
2075x2246px 2.89 MB
© 2016 - 2025 safyia110
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