Scene redraw and what ive been up tosadgiorno on DeviantArt

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Scene redraw and what ive been up to



Hello internet! I’ve returned for one final post, an update, and a show of how my art has progressed over the past few months.. or year? I can’t keep track of time, I don’t know when I last posted-

This art was made a few weeks ago, and it is a scene redraw from the anime Tiger&bunny2, I was very proud of how this came out, and it really shows how I’ve grown as an artist (I can finally draw humans!)

other than that, I’d like to state that I’ll be leaving deviantart for good. This was a great platform for me when I started posting my art for others to see, almost 2 years ago now. But I really think I should move on now. If you’d like to see more from me, I have an active blog on tumblr, which you can find linked on my profile. I’d really appreciate if you checked me out, as I’ve just started out there, and would love for more people to take notice of my posts and art.

outside of the internet, I’m doing good aswell, I’m nearing my sophomore year of high school and I’ve finally started making friends outside of the internet, people who understand me and my interests, even! Thank you for being here on my journey, though many of my posts were deleted months back by a more shy version of myself, I hope you still enjoyed all I had to offer.

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© 2023 - 2025 sadgiorno
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I love how I post on social medias like people actually view my crap, like im some kind of famous artist, when I’m really just a stupid kid who wants to be noticed, it’s dumb and childish for me to act that way, really. I have a lot of growing up to do, obviously.