Expecto PatronumSacrilence on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sacrilence/art/Expecto-Patronum-599779202Sacrilence

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Expecto Patronum



I desperately need sleep, so I'll write the description tomorrow :D

Edit: So yeah, this is the awesome scene where we see Snape's memory of Lily. I experimented with the Patronus Charm around her and for my own surprise I'm satisfied with the result! :O
I love HP, I don't know why I haven't done more HP art

Done in PS CS6 with Wacom Bamboo Tablet

prints, mugs, bags and etc :3
Image size
1417x992px 1.53 MB
© 2016 - 2025 Sacrilence
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chuckles-the-cat's avatar
This is so lovely <3 That turquoise blue is my favorite color and Harry Potter is amazing so I am overjoyed haha