Study sessionRyona-Ashi on DeviantArt

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Study session

Character  Yukari Takeba


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Yukari model by Sasuke-Bby

Room model by Xelandis

Feet model by Raijin44
Image size
4000x4000px 56.07 MB
© 2024 - 2025 Ryona-Ashi
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KevAshiiLover's avatar

Yukari has invited you for a study session in her home and you kindly agreed, so better to be focused on their notes for the next hours. Although there would a break where will be resting on her couch and you be sitting on the floor.

But something will give you to forget all you've been studying when you see Yukari laying on her couch from back with her feet being exposed. The smoothness of those soles while being spread is the only thing you'll be thinking about.

Funny to see Yukari reacting that way when your eyes have been losing on those smooth soles of her with thosr pinky areas around. The more you stare at her feet, more your mind is feeling tempted to try to bury your face on them.