Putin destroys his country and his citizensRusHLA on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rushla/art/Putin-destroys-his-country-and-his-citizens-949713558RusHLA

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Putin destroys his country and his citizens



- Bloody Dictator Putin started a war and introduced a dictatorial regime in Russia, we imagine ourselves to be a god. The society is afraid and struggling with fear goes to a rally and arranges a revolution. The Protagonist meets the dictator face to face and the battle of Freedom against Slavery begins. patreon.com/GforGOD

- Putin destroys his country and his citizens - Dictator, pain, death ... hopelessness

The road of history has long been rolled, the logic of history is merciless, and as soon as your Fuhrers come to power, a well-functioning conveyor will start working: The logic of Russianism is merciless stupid! When Putin came to power, he began to destroy dissidents, destroy opposition and all dissenting citizens. Further meletarization and possibly nuclear war. we live in a dangerous time, the plague is in our house, but we do not know how to cure it. Moreover, we very often do not even know how to make a correct diagnosis. And those who have already become infected often do not notice that they are sick and contagious. (Russian society does not exist - Russians could not become a society - 90% of Russian society is fascists, they support the war, justifying murders with their rotten empire - the remaining 10% have already left Russia or are pissed in fear - Russian society does not exist).) It seems to him that he knows everything about Russian fascism. After all, everyone knows that Russian fascism is: black SS uniforms; barking speech; upraised hands in a Roman salute; swastika; black and red banners; marching columns; skeleton people behind barbed wire; greasy smoke from the chimneys of crematoria; possessed Fuhrer Putin. A very important sign of fascism is a lie. Of course, not everyone who lies is a fascist, but every fascist is necessarily a liar. He just has to lie. Because dictatorship is sometimes still somehow possible, at the very least, but still reasonable, to justify, while nationalism can be justified only through lies - some kind of fake "Protocols" or ranting that "Jews have drunk the Russian people" , “all Caucasians are born bandits” and the like. This is why fascists lie. And they always lied. And no one said about them more accurately than Ernest Hemingway: “Fascism is a lie uttered by bandits.”
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putinpunhere's avatar
  1. Intranets exist, most famous one being in DPRK, and considering the fact that RF borders DPRK... lol

  2. >disconnected social media for the benefit of our children and the future

Bruh, isn't he a[n anti-]hero in that case though? Seriously, saving the world and ensuring that at least some of the world exists once Skynet hijacks the Internet... provided the only cultures left would be Russian, Korean (Choson), and... North Sentinel.

1/10... you should've at least used a "monkepoutine" so I could have at least made a Planet of the Apes joke over this whole shitshow.