Hello everyone. Patrons!
Thought ya'll could do with a lil update.
Also if you can see me on a site that isnt patreon then this project is a SUCCESS,because I'm using this thing called PostyBirb that was recommended to me by a friend, a collossal help that severely cuts down on all the re-pasting and teduim of posting repeatedly to all sites. Its like having a secretary so to speak!
But anyways, this week I shall be posting the last couple pages for Act 2! of Cthulhuhead For my patrons so that I can get on to the 3rd act and ultimately the second Part! yes there's gonna to be a second chapter, and it is a lot more story focused too. The idea hit me while suffering a lil bit of insomnia, and after waking up the idea still sounded as campy and bizarre so...good enough for me!
Also a friend has helped me aquire an actual video editor so I'm going to be getting back to posting videos, perhaps some speedpaints.
Lastly...Blah blah blah...Crimson Rain...not important...whatever.
So yeah good stuff coming this week so stay tuned. See ya.