ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Ruri-dere on DeviantArt
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and this pic shall be lucius's official box art LOL
Improvement+New features:
·Rolling Rs
·Missing samples restored
Youtube (sry i know its xmas and this song is sooo so so not suitable to the atmosphere LOL )
❤Voice Bank Download Link:…Soundcloud:…
First time attempting recording and otoing all by myself orz..fucking annoying.. I always hated music class and singing/dancing since kindergarten ...and stupid blackout for 3 days wouldnt let me do anything ugh ...I actually had the picture almost finished days ago but becuz of the blackout it was stuck in my pc and couldnt get it out orz even if i went to starbucks for wifi!
anyways..hope u ugys like the new bank =_=
Image size
3937x3937px 16.72 MB
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I absolutely love the expression in this. I can't get over how well this is drawn...the shape of the eyes, just omg. I can't get over it.
The design is well done and I love how the shading is used with cool colors like the purples and stuff (If that's not the original, I was kidding. Wait, no I wasn't.) makes the hair really stand out. It seems to always be flowing even though clearly in the image...its still. Like they're facing the winds of adventure or something. :3 I like the things on the shoulders going on there. (I don't know what they're called. Code Geass had them everywhere with Britannia!)
I hope that you continue and do something like this again! <3 Overall, great work.