African Wild DogRunningSpud on DeviantArt

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RunningSpud's avatar

African Wild Dog



Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination (and I always have 'submitter's regret' when I upload because that's when I find tons of new errors), but this one was a lot of work and I'm relatively happy with it at the moment.  At least, I'm telling myself that it's better then the painting before it, and progress is what matters! (…)

If you have feedback, I'm grateful to hear it as always! I'm a painting newbie and I'm eager to apply any critique/advice to my future artwork :D
Image size
1489x1100px 1.02 MB
© 2018 - 2025 RunningSpud
anonymous's avatar
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zueme's avatar

Love the background! The colors of the dusky sky is so beautiful. But it does look a bit strange that the contour of the tree is so sharp against the sky... It might look better if it is slightly blurred, or not completely black; say, perhaps you can add some brief orange linings or spots along some parts of the trunk? That will make it more in line with the lighting, considering that some parts of the dog's head and back are shone with light. And I swear I've seen many creepy dogs but this is the creepiest I've ever seen. The glow of its eyes can haunt me in my dreams... Nice work! scared.... 'the 2nd'