It's fine, I give you respect for trying to learn English, and not many people try that. Some depend on google translate and I support you in your endeavors. For your question: here are the resources to answer any other questions you might think of or come across.
[Rune Ponies - Traits] AngelsLink 1 tells you and show the traits of the pure ones.
[Rune Pony] Rune ExamplesLink 2 is a cleaner version for the run markings.
[Rune Ponies] PetsLink 3 is for in case you want to make a pet.
[Rune Ponies] Angel MonarchyLink 4 is for in case you want to try to join the monarchy.
[Rune Ponies] Angel TypesLink 5 is for the specific classifications of Angeles and if you need to know what kind your is.
Rune Ponies - Open SpeciesLink 6 is basic grounds for the Angles but does give you some guild lines in making them. I hope I answered your question and have a nice day/night.