Current Residence: Today Belgrade. Am nomad so changes often.
Favourite genre of music: pop i guess... Currently a lot of early NIN, Dorian Electra,
MP3 player of choice: ipod classic, but is broken right now so I use my phone
Skin of choice: pale (mine)
Personal Quote: Relationships come and go, but plastination is forever.
I’m from a tiny village as a kid, traveling the world currently (though slower due to Covid this year!), alternative in looks/style, vegan, childfree, geeky, outgoing, introverted, and all sorts of other stuff.
Most of my work these days is on my iPad due to ease with traveling. I do mural work and other hands-on art here and there still but day to day it is me and a stylus.
Hoping my doodles here speak for themselves. My mind wanders all over and they range in effort from 4 minutes to weeks and I assure you the outcome doesn’t clearly show which is the case for which haha.