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If interested in purchasing a custom adopt, please send a note so we can discuss!
All listed prices are base prices. If you wish to order a custom, you agree to follow our FAQ, TOS + PaymentAll customs prices have been adjusted to be more fair to us and our premade buyers; it's not quite there yet however, and also to allow more time for us to work on personal projects, commissions, premades, and other artwork for our patreons. Also we have noticed time is much more limited for us than before and want to focus on things that we want to enjoy.
We also removed some sections and added non-collab and collab options.
We are adjusting prices and samples for 2018, please note prices may raise and things may be added while we are closed.
You can waitlist for custom; however just note us when you're ready.
- A general guideline is listed here for easy access but does not list everything covered in our FAQ, TOS + Payment
- We accept payment via paypal or points ($1USD = 100 points).
- We can accept credit and debit card payments as long as your card can send payment to paypal
- Only the owner of the adopt is allowed to use it.
- These custom adopt is only for personal use (non-commercial purposes). If wanting an adopt for commercial use, new rules and a commercial price rate will be offered after discussing.
- You may redesign/ modify after adopt but it would be nice if you kept it recognizable.
- You may gift, or trade the custom adopt, but you must note me who is the new owner.
- You can resell the custom but not higher than the price you purchased (this term only applies to custom adopts only)
- Credit for the design is always appreciated.
- Credit us on as creator of the design.
- Do not claim as your original design.
- Do not trace/ copy /steal the RumCandyAdopt art.
- Please note prices are base prices, additional fees may be added depending on character complexity/design ordered.
- Pricing is per character.
- Customs are not priority. If buyer wants priority, you'll have to pay a rush fee.
- Some are collabs, and thus payment may be asked to be split between partners if necessary.
- We can do gijinka inspired designs such as Pokemon, however we may not be familiar with a series that may be requested but asking is always good idea.
We will offer 4 styles: 2 non-collab styles & 2 collab styles.
Please tell us which you prefer in your order, as we may add additional to base price based on choice.
Non-collab or 1 artist working on an adopt is generally faster.
However our style, preference, speed and availability are not the same.
Collabs require both artist to work together to create a piece and thus juggle two different schedules in order so please keep in mind these are much harder and time-consuming for us as more than one party is involved with the discussion and process and pricier as a result.
Non-collab or 1 artist working on an adopt is generally faster. However our style, preference, speed and availability are not the same.
Collabs require both artist to work together to create a piece and thus juggle two different schedules in order so please keep in mind these are much harder and time-consuming for us as more than one party is involved with the discussion and process and pricier as a result.RUMCANDY
1 CHIBI = $70 OR 7000
this is a nonspecies adopt.More examples found in our collab adopt gallery.
~$100 OR ~10000
This is a detailed nonspecies chibi custom that is taller than usual chibi adopts, we highly suggest these if you're looking for a middle option, between a chibi and fullbody custom.CHIBI CUSTOM SHEET
~$130 OR ~13000
Chibi Custom Sheet come with clothes and accessories with your Chibi.HOW TO ORDER
Please send us a note with the following information
Type : ( chibi \ tall chibi \chibi custom sheet )
Style: (Ani \ Rum \ RumCandy \ AniFishy )
Style: (Ani \ Rum \ RumCandy \ AniFishy )
Theme : ( generally the kind of adopt you want)
Race : ( anthro \ kenomimi \ human \ elf \ etc)
Gender : (boy\girl)
Additional info : (such as expression or color palette or clothes)
Additional detail : ( detail you want\ please, you can elaborate as much much as you see fit , if there's something we cannot add we will inform you \ this can cost more than the base price and we can discuss price)
Payment Method: ( Paypal \ Points )
**Buyer can leave sections blank or up to artist if wishes to do so (aka artistic freedom).
Type : chibi
Style: Ani
Style: Ani
Theme : Prince of Persia
Race : Cat Kenomimi
Gender : boy
Additional info : lots of gold, tan skin
Additional detail : please give him short hair
Payment Method: Paypal
Do you agree with our TOS? Yes
Do you agree with our TOS? Yes
Please send us a note with the following information
Type : ( Split Up)
Style: (Ani \ Rum \ RumCandy \ AniFishy )
Style: (Ani \ Rum \ RumCandy \ AniFishy )
Theme : ( generally the kind of adopt you want)
Race : ( anthro \ kenomimi \ human \ elf \ etc)
Gender : (boy\girl)
Additional info : (such as expression or color palette or clothes)
Additional detail : ( detail you want\ please, you can elaborate as much much as you see fit , if there's something we cannot add we will inform you \ this can cost more than the base price and we can discuss price)
Payment Method: ( Paypal \ Points )
**Buyer can leave sections blank or up to artist if wishes to do so (aka artistic freedom).
Please send us a note with the following information
Type : ( fullbody )
Style: (Ani \ Rum \ RumCandy \ AniFishy )
Style: (Ani \ Rum \ RumCandy \ AniFishy )
Theme : ( generally the kind of adopt you want)
Race : ( anthro \ kenomimi \ human \ elf \ etc)
Gender : (boy\girl)
Additional info : (such as expression or color palette or clothes)
Additional detail : ( detail you want\ please, you can elaborate as much much as you see fit , if there's something we cannot add we will inform you \ this can cost more than the base price and we can discuss price)
Payment Method: ( Paypal \ Points )
**Buyer can leave sections blank or up to artist if wishes to do so (aka artistic freedom).
Yaozu and Yanyu run the Heirlooms Custom Workshop and with their skills are able to provide the best custom work to their customers.
Please check our Heirlooms Species journal for specific Heirloom custom information as that is where the workshop is located!
Please check our Heirlooms Species journal for specific Heirloom custom information as that is where the workshop is located!
Heirlooms Heirlooms are items which have passed down in a family for several generations which have guardian spirits dwelling in them, awoken by god to serve their master, the owner of the heirloom. However these items are being fought over by various kingdoms as it is said once collecting all of these heirlooms, the almighty item which can change the entire world will appear. Who shall be the master of these heirlooms? Shall it be you?In case the journal is missing information, due to DeviantArt glitches please refer to the Google Docs version .Please read the Heirlooms: the Awakening Story in order to understand the rest of the informat...
Additional may be added depending on complexity and order.
If no character reference is provided, additional fees will be added as character references help inspire us.
If you want your character wearing the outfit, we will quote you a higher price as it'll be considered a custom+commission. This may cost +$40-120 additional so please be aware of that.
Please send us a note with the following information
Style: (Ani \ Rum \ RumCandy \ AniFishy )
Character Reference: ( Provide visual of character please ; if no visual describe character appearance please)
Theme : ( generally the kind of adopt you want)
Additional info : (such as color palette or type of clothes)
Additional detail : ( detail you want \ please, you can elaborate as much much as you see fit , if there's something we cannot add we will inform you \ this can cost more than the base price and we can discuss price)
Would you like your character in the outfit? (If yes, we will give a very large price as it's considered a commission+custom and will be more expensive; please let us know if you prefer the character to be a chibi/ tall chibi / fullbody as price quotes will differ)
Payment method: Paypal \ Point
Do you agree with our TOS? ( Please read our terms before ordering. )
**Buyer can leave sections blank or up to artist if wishes to do so (aka artistic freedom).
***Please repeat form if you want different theme/character/unique features if you plan to purchase more than one outfit.
Style: AniFishy
Character Reference: No visual reference available, but looking for a female outfit for a tan human teenager who has purple eyes and white hair.
Theme : Princess of Space
Additional info : Night sky of purple and blue
Additional detail : Formal and Elegant Prom Dress. Dress should not be shorter than knees.
Would you like your character in the outfit? No
Payment method: Points
Do you agree with our TOS? Yes
Type: ( Fullbody \ Chibi )Style: (Ani \ Rum \ RumCandy \ AniFishy )
Character Reference: ( Provide visual of character please ; if no visual describe character appearance please)
Theme : ( generally the kind of adopt you want)
Additional info : (such as color palette or type of clothes)
Additional detail : ( detail you want \ please, you can elaborate as much much as you see fit , if there's something we cannot add we will inform you \ this can cost more than the base price and we can discuss price)
Would you like your character in the outfit? (If yes, we will give a very large price as it's considered a commission+custom and will be more expensive; please let us know if you prefer the character to be a chibi/ tall chibi / fullbody as price quotes will differ)
Payment method: Paypal \ Point
Do you agree with our TOS? ( Please read our terms before ordering. )
**Buyer can leave sections blank or up to artist if wishes to do so (aka artistic freedom).
***Please repeat form if you want different theme/character/unique features if you plan to purchase more than one outfit.
Type: FullbodyStyle: AniFishy
Character Reference: No visual reference available, but looking for a female outfit for a tan human teenager who has purple eyes and white hair.
Theme : Princess of Space
Additional info : Night sky of purple and blue
Additional detail : Formal and Elegant Prom Dress. Dress should not be shorter than knees.
Would you like your character in the outfit? No
Payment method: Points
Do you agree with our TOS? Yes