You Guys Really Want It Back, Huh?Ruffu on DeviantArt

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You Guys Really Want It Back, Huh?



So I've been getting a lot of messages from many of you over quite an expanse of time wanting this comic to come back. I've been thinking about it and I've come to the conclusion that you know what? Sure I'll give a crack at it again.

I'll give it to you guys straight: I plan to make another page of Shocking Developments within two weeks time if I can get around 50 or more patrons on my patreon page. If the count gets to 100 I might do it periodically within every week or so. And you don't even have to pledge on those crazier tiers if you don't want to. Just subscribing to $1 is fine. 

Well, hope you guys would like something like this happening. Let me know what you guys and gals think.

Here is the link to the Patreon Page
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