CalistohelixRudysseus on DeviantArt

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Rudysseus's avatar




This is original lineart and coloring by me.

The subject is a friend of mine from World of Warcraft named Calistohelix the Archmagus, who is one of two people I met and kept in close touch with throughout the entirety of my gaming experience there. A level 60 mage who has more epic gear than any one person has a right to :D Thankfully, she uses it to help me out, so I won't complain. :lol:

Effects of her shoulders and ice spells, as well as all other coloring, done in Photoshop.

Hope she enjoys it, because I am rather proud of it, even if she'll likely smack me for not using the new robe she finally got. In my humble opinion the screenshot I referenced has the robe I think looks nicer, even though it is a bit less powerful. :D
Image size
1238x1322px 951.39 KB
© 2006 - 2025 Rudysseus
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katiescarlet's avatar
Lovely! Excellent job with those Arcanist robes. :)