Ruaniamh's avatar


^ Rooa-Neev
156 Deviations
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Your-Character-Here's avatar
  • Jan 8
  • Canada
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • She / Her
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (533)
Painter's Palette Cake: Use when mixing delicious colored frosting (4)
thoughtART: Participated in April Fools' Day 2014
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)

Favourite Movies
Kung Fu Panda, Dark Knight, Princess Mononoke, Finding Nemo, Happy Feet, Harry Potter
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Daft Punk, The Flaming Lips, The Tom Fun Orchestra
Favourite Games
Legend Of Zelda series, Okami, Skyrim, Uncharted 2 & 3, TF2, Portal 2
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, PS3, Wii, 360
Tools of the Trade
pencils, intuos4 tablet, photoshop cs3, SAI, Maya
Other Interests
Illustration, cartoons, 3D animation, sewing and ponies!
S'up folks, still kind of sort is lurking around in these parts. Still hard at work at dhx. And still a bit salty that our Vancouver studio got the new Mega Man show. So close to being able to work on Mega Man, yet so far T^T It would have been great to create a new mm for a new generation. But hey! If you're an animator out on the west coast, our Vancouver studio is hiring!It's been a bit since I've posted.... Anything on here, how are you folks doing?
anonymous's avatar
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The latest show I worked on is now on tv! Space ranger Roger is on Family Jr,  it's a really cute show and highly recommend checking out out if you have little kids!I had a ton of fun working on it,  the characters were a blast to animate. You can check out the trailer in the YouTube link below (on mobile so can't add it as an actual link :
anonymous's avatar
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My Christmas vacation is starting in a week.  I'm going to try to get back into drawing while I have free time.  So mmy question for you guys,  is what you'd like to see. 
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Profile Comments 1.5K

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Happy International Women's Day!

LilyEmiChan's avatar
happy birthdayPurple Crystal Cake? Purple Crystal Cake? Purple Crystal Cake? Purple Crystal Cake? Purple Crystal Cake? Purple Crystal Cake? Purple Crystal Cake? Purple Crystal Cake? Purple Crystal Cake? Blueberry Cake type 3 new with candles 50x50 icon Blueberry Cake type 3 new with candles 50x50 icon Blueberry Cake type 3 new with candles 50x50 icon Blueberry Cake type 3 new with candles 50x50 icon Blueberry Cake type 3 new with candles 50x50 icon Blueberry Cake type 3 new with candles 50x50 icon Purple heart cake 50px Purple heart cake 50px Purple heart cake 50px Purple heart cake 50px Purple heart cake 50px Purple heart cake 50px Purple heart cake 50px Purple pink and white cake 50px Purple pink and white cake 50px Purple pink and white cake 50px Purple pink and white cake 50px Purple pink and white cake 50px Red Velvet Cake Red Velvet Cake Red Velvet Cake Red Velvet Cake Red Velvet Cake Red Velvet Cake Red Velvet Cake Red Velvet Cake White Pink Cake with candles 50x50 icon White Pink Cake with candles 50x50 icon White Pink Cake with candles 50x50 icon White Pink Cake with candles 50x50 icon White Pink Cake with candles 50x50 icon White Pink Cake with candles 50x50 icon White Pink Cake with candles 50x50 icon White Pink Cake with candles 50x50 icon White Pink Cake with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 7 with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 7 with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 7 with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 7 with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 7 with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 7 with candles 50x50 icon Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 2 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px White roses cake 50px 
BatboyEXE's avatar
Happy Birthday! :) :cake: :party:
DJWill's avatar
Happy B-day! ;)
Dante8411's avatar
Happy birthday, ponymancer! :iconbdaycakeplz:
uBrosis's avatar
Happy Birthday! *<: D