
Character Profile - Godel

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Character Profile - Godel

Name: Godel
Age: 20
Race: Human
Allegiance: Good
Allied with: Z-Fighters, Earthling-Martian Alliance
- Gohan (Fusee)
- Videl (Fusee)
- Pan (Half-daughter)
- Goku (Half-father)
- Chi-Chi (Half-mother)
- Goten (Half-brother)
- Hercule (Half-father)
- Ox-King (Half-grandfather)
- Videl's Mother (Half-mother)
- Bardock (Half-grandfather)
Appearance: Godel has black hair which is spiky at the back, but multiple bangs hang forward over his head. He also has sapphire blue eyes. His normal outfit consists of Videl's Magenta shirt with the top of Gohan's blue gi over it, along with gray wristbands, red belt, black gi pants and bright yellow boots. Alternatively, he wears Gohan's weighted clothing outfit, but the weighted shirt is orange, while the top shirt is more of a purplish-blue, which is the same color of the belt and wristbands. His pants are white and the boots retain the golden-yellow color from Videl's boots, although they are more shaped like Gohan's boots. On an ironic note, Gohan has pointed out after Godel's 'birth' that Godel's appearance feels like Gohan having absorbed (or assimilated if you will) Videl and integrated her into his being, which in a way explains the features of having Videl's hairstyle at the front and Videl's eye color in Godel's being as a whole, while retaining Gohan's body.

Strengths: Godel is strong, determined, athletic and is kind to those who are friendly to him. He also is ready to help those in need when necessary. He also is more agile in combat, which can be used to evade enemy attacks, especially melee attacks. He also posesses high speed and agility, making him quite maneuverable during combat, especially in evading most incoming attacks.

- Strength: Contrary to what one would believe, Godel isn't stronger than Gohan himself. In fact, even at full power, Godel is WEAKER than Gohan. This is mainly due to Videl's inferior strength when compared to Gohan's overall, due to Videl being a full Human and Gohan is a half-Saiyan. However, Godel compensates this lack of strength with an increased agility and speed, which would make him not an easy target to hit if he utilizes this well.
- Stubborn: Godel is bent on having things done his way and will not back down without a fight. This also goes for finding out what a certain individual is hiding from him. This trait is inevitably Videl's, although Gohan's intelligence has kinda nullified it for most part. However this will not mean that Godel will not get into trouble because of this.
- Rage: Likely inherited from Gohan due to his hidden powers, Godel tends to go postal once an offending person has been harming those close to Godel for a long period of time. Although this is at first good as Godel wants to have some payback, it can work out against him if Godel chooses to make the enemy suffer instead of finishing him off outright, unless... This can also be invoked during sparring sessions, where Godel may have flashbacks of the shortcomings of either one of his fusees, which will make him mad and go on a rampage against his opponent, regardless of the latter having deliberately invoked this or not. Even then, it will take either Godel's self-consciousness or anyone of the other Z-Fighters to bring Godel back to his senses if it is apparent that Godel may go too far if his rage blinds him from the situation at hand.
- (Lack of) Judgment: Godel tends to come to people's aid whenever they are in danger, however he may forget to oversee the situation, whether the situation is actually justified for him to step in (this refers to Gohan, as the Great Saiyaman, 'saving' a young woman during a car chase while in fact it was being staged for the recording of a movie) or whether the enemy in question is stronger than he is (Gohan wanted to fly from the Lookout to where Cell was since Piccolo was in danger, luckily Goku stopped him in time, telling Gohan that he wasn't strong enough to face Cell at that time).
- Energy Drain: Some techniques require a lot of Godel's energy, leaving him exhausted upon (rapid or continuous) use. It can even lead up to the fusion being terminated if he lacks the energy needed to sustain it.
- Pacifist: A trait slightly inherited from Gohan is that, despite having Gohan's Saiyan Blood, Godel has no real lust for battle and instead only fights when he has to. This could form a potential weakness as this inhibits the training somewhat, especially when a very powerful opponent is encountered.
- Determination: When challenged, Godel will not hesitate to show what he's capable of, regardless of injuries inflicted to him. Though being determined is a good thing as it shows he won't give up, it could form a weakness in case Godel prohibits others from interfering in his match or where Godel refuses to back down from a fight, even at the point where he has suffered from critical injuries. Through this, Godel's determination is linked to his stubbornness, due to refusing to back down. This trait is partially from Videl, due to her refusing to back down from her fight against Spopovich, even after she was critically injured.
- Insecurity: Godel's insecurities aren't related to the situation when it comes to battles per say, it lies more in how the general public will react in case they find out Godel's true identity. While most of Gohan's direct friends and family are generally comfortable with having Godel around (including Chi-Chi to a degree), Godel's greatest concern lies more with Videl's side of the direct family and friends, which includes Videl's father Hercule and her best friends in school, Erasa and Sharpner.
NOTE: The rage and stubbornness may invoke negative thoughts within Godel, thus a direct hit from Spike the Devil Man's Devilmite Beam will kill him instantly, provided it hits him.

Godel is the result of the Anomaly Fusion between Gohan and Videl. The technique was self-taught by accident (Gohan and Videl actually 'invented' the technique to be precise), the primary cause of this was that Gohan and Videl both had been exposed to a different flow of ambient energy, due to spending time in a different dimension. This alteration has made a few significant changes; according to the Martians, this exposure has led to an increase of the lifespan of themselves and their family and friends, who were with them (except for Hercule), as well. With the new-found knowledge of this technique, coupled with the fact that they can terminate it at will by separating their separate energies from each other, Gohan and Videl returned home.

As they learned that, during the time Xeno's father Scout had taken over the planet to make it a giant totalitarian regiment which he rules over with an iron first, they had been framed for crimes like destruction of private property, Gohan and Videl decided to drop their Great Saiyaman alter egos to a degree; deciding to put their fused form forward as the new crime fighter allowed them to infiltrate inside Police Headquarters and destroy all of the false evidence in order to clear their names. Ever since, Godel is regularly sighted as the new crime fighter of Hercule City, even after the Chief Of Police expresses his great regret for having framed Hercule City's foremost crime fighters with the false evidence. What they don't realize is that by using their fused state as a crime fighter, Gohan and Videl can plan Godel's actions mentally without having to watch the backs of a partner.

Gohan and Videl's decision to drop their Great Saiyaman alter egos was revealed in a press conference, where they pointed their personal distaste of how low people can go in order to get some money and that the reputation of those who are honest and who do not get involved in such businesses (like the Great Saiyaman I and II themselves) is damaged in the process. Then again, both Gohan and Videl did also realize that their own superhuman strength was being poked fun of again, due to most of Earth's population still sharing the initial belief of Hercule Satan that using energy to fly or as attacks are nothing more than magic tricks thanks to the use of smoke and mirrors, or hidden explosives in order to get the explosions done. They didn't reveal the identity of who would be their successor and, to this very day, the general public is still unaware of the true identity of Godel...

To Gohan and Videl however, their ability to fuse into Godel brings specific advantages: First, Godel can pretty much arrive at a crime scene and, being unrelated to the Great Saiyaman personae, can defeat criminals without overdramatic poses and whatnot. Second, Gohan and Videl do not have to watch each other's back when being caught in larger crime situations while being fused, thus they don't have to take any life-risking actions to ensure the safety of the other, allowing them to focus entirely into ensuring the safety of the civilians and rescuing the hostages, if any, which is a win-win situation for both. Thirdly, the increased speed and agility is a major factor when it comes to solving a situation quickly. Given that the overall thugs are just strong brutes with only great physical strength, depending on their role, makes the lack of strength that Godel has compared to Gohan not that much of an issue, unless there are some exceptional criminals like Bure around...

Godel has techniques of both Gohan and Videl, but also possesses some techniques of his own.
- Kamehameha: Godel cups his  hands behind his back, before firing a blue beam of energy for light-moderate damage to the target. Taken from Gohan.
- Super Kamehameha: Same as the Kamehameha Wave, but Godel charges more energy into it for greater damage. Taken from Gohan.
- Electric Kamehameha: Same as the Kamehameha, but there's a chance that the opponent may be electrically charged. Taken from Gohan.
- Eagle Kick: Godel flies forward and kicks the enemy three times. Taken from Videl.
- Falcon Rush: A rapid assault of six punches, followed by an elbow, a punch into the air and then a kick before slamming the enemy down to the ground. Taken from Videl.
- Soaring Dragon Strike: A powerful combo of first a punch to the stomach, followed by an uppercut. Taken from Gohan.
- Soaring Falcon Rush: A combination of Gohan's Soaring Dragon Strike and Videl's Falcon Rush.
- Videl Rush:  A rapid assault of punches, followed by a knee to the chin. Taken from Videl.
- Masenko: Cupping his hands above his head, Godel charges energy to release a yellow beam of energy to the target, dealing moderate damage. Taken from Gohan.
- High-Pressure Energy Wave: - A blue beam of energy fired from both hands after charging it with hands above the head. Taken from Videl.
- Flying Kick: A rapid assault of kicks.
- Invisible Eye Blast: A flash from Godel's eyes resulting in an explosion onto the target for moderate damage. Taken from Gohan.
- Energy Barrier: Godel encases himself (and others when needed) in a barrier of energy, shielding himself from enemy attacks. Taken from Gohan.
- Bakuretsu Ranma: Godel holds one hand upward with the other supporting it, before firing a powerful, yellow energy wave with a big sphere at the end at the opponent for high damage. Taken from Gohan.
- Volteks Aura:  A short range ball of energy used to repel incoming enemies. Taken from Videl.
- Heavy Finish: A standard combination attack of punches and kicks.
- Bear Blowthrough: Godel knees the enemy in the gut, before rapidly kicking them, finishing it with an overhead kick. Taken from Videl.
- Buzzard Smash: Godel first attacks with several punches, an uppercut and two kicks before charging again, kicking the enemy silly before knocking them down.
- Burst Rush: Godel charges at the opponent and hook kicks them before kicking them up into the air. Then, he flies up into the air and attacks the opponent with a barrage of punches and kicks, knocking them further up into the air. Next, he flies up and appears above the opponent using his speed to backhand punch them down to the ground. Taken from Gohan.
- Axe Kick: Godel brings his leg down on the enemy as if he would swing an axe down onto a block of wood.
- Hawk Arrow: A powerful elbow strike. Taken from Videl.
- Godel Combo 1: Godel rapidly punches the enemy sixteen times before kicking them away.
- Flurry Punches: Godel punches his enemy rapidly in a way where it looks like he has more than two arms. Taken from Gohan.
- Phoenix Assault: Godel's ultimate attack. First, Gohan charges at the opponents and punches them six times before dealing a powerful left strike, after which he kicks the opponent six times before kicking them back. Then, Godel powers up, 'sprouting' six energy wings which begin to flap up and down, much like a more solid aura from Videl's Hawk Arrow. While the wings are present, Godel charges and fires an extremely powerful Electric Kamehameha for very high to extreme damage. The downside is that this attack demands a lot of his energy, leaving him vulnerable to enemy counter attacks.

- Telekinesis: Godel is able to move certain objects or stop certain moving objects with his mind. Taken from Gohan.
- Ki Sense: Godel is able to sense power levels like many of his family and friends. Taken from Gohan.
- Kaio-ken: Through his fusees, Godel is capable of using the Kaio-ken to increase his strength, speed and senses, making him a much more formidable opponent. However pushing himself too far or overusing the technique will cause a severe strain onto his body, so much that it can even cause the fusion to end prematurely, simply because of the body lacking the strength and/or energy needed to be sustained. This leaves Godel and by extension Gohan and Videl themselves extremely vulnerable to enemy attacks.
Here it is, the character profile of my OC Godel, the fusion between Gohan and Videl who only appears in my Strange New Worlds animation series.

I felt that he should have traits (and thus some weaknesses) of both Gohan and Videl; if I find out more information, expect it to be added.

UPDATE: Updated Godel's Bio, strengths and weaknesses.
© 2011 - 2025 RT912

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anonymous's avatar
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TheDarkpokeone's avatar
Nice love Godel's Bio man gives us all info on him as well so we know more of him.