Part Of The TeamRPer1739 on DeviantArt

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Part Of The Team



with Shadow Gesha defeated and gone, Sailor Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus are impressed with the way Silver Knight handled himself in a fight. Luna also appears back with a smile on her face.

Sailor Moon: we watched you fighting Silver Knight.

Sailor Mercury: that was really great of you to come to our rescue!

Sailor Mars: I'm impressed with the way you used that sword of yours!

Sailor Jupiter: really like that armor and cape you got!

Sailor Venus: it moves so very well when it is on the back of your armor.

Silver Knight: thank you everyone. it was thanks to Luna that I was able to awaken and that I arrived so quickly.

Luna reappears beside Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars.

Luna: I'm glad you did Silver Knight with me. for you see, your friends that you see here are not just ordinary people. these are the Sailor Guardians. sworn protectors of planet Earth. you too have also been chosen to protect Earth. with your power and skill, the Sailor Guardians could use a powerful knight like you by their side.

Sailor Moon: yeah! Silver Knight, you'd be perfect to be fight alongside us all! so will you join us?

Silver Knight: of course Sailor Moon. I will fight and believe in this power that is inside me with the gemstone I have!

Sailor Moon: welcome to the team Silver Knight!

Silver Knight and Sailor Moon together do something great!

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