Vitalia Island |Chapter 7 | page 13RozettaVyper on DeviantArt

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Vitalia Island |Chapter 7 | page 13



Vitalia Island is a series about the strange life of anthropomorphic characters living on an island called Vitalia where paranormal and supernatural events occur. Learn about their world, their history, their environment and more. The comic is a combo of slice of life, supernatural/paranormal and fantasy. This comic is aimed at 13+ (Teens & Young Adults)

This is a part 2 to Chapter 6 "The Ritual". Read Chapter 6 before chapter 7.
There's a serial killer going around in Mantillu. The police force is shorthanded, leaving them to hire a mystic to help with catching the killer. Meanwhile, the museum in Mantillu Village is suffering financially. No one wants to visit it due to some rumors going around. The owner of the museum seem a bit too religious.

You can find all the chapters organized by group names on my profile or visit my webtoons, tapas, or comicfury

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