Age: 21
Favorite games: Legend of zelda, Pokemon XD: Gale of darkness,Kingdom Hearts,Shadow of the Colossus, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Elderscrolls Series, Dark Siders I and II
Favorite anime: Inuyasha, Rozen maiden, Naruto, Sailor Moon, and Cardcaptors
Current Residence: Somewhere in Arizona
Favourite genre of music: Classic rock, Hardrock, goth rock, Japanese music.
Favourite style of art: Drawing, painting, and Ceramics
Operating System: N/A
Favourite cartoon character: Link, Sesshomaru, Shinku,Sasuke, Souseiseki, Hina Ichigo,And Ezlo
Personal Quote: "you are the captain of your own ship"
Thank you very much. sorry for not replying sooner