Stupid Jetpack HitlerRoyalPsycho on DeviantArt

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Stupid Jetpack Hitler



Stupid Jetpack Hitler:
A request by Historyman14. This is a world where the Nazis did have a super-science program hidden away on Antarctica. After losing WWII the Nazis fled overseas in greater numbers, running to South America or to their Antarctic facilities, which were now self-sufficient and making progress in various projects. Sending an expedition to the far-side of the Moon and establishing a base there, the Nazis settled down to bide their time and build up their forces. At the same time, numerous caches of secret, occult lore that the Thule Society was amassing are also shipped over to the hidden Fourth Reich.

The rest of the 20th Century goes on as normal with the Fourth Reich remaining hidden and building their resources in the Southern Hemisphere and offworld. Agents are sent around the world to keep an eye on the actions of the Allies and the state of the Cold War.

In 1991, with the total collapse of the USSR, the Fourth Reich decided to make their move, preparing their forces and activating their sleeper cells around the world. In 1995, with everything ready, they struck.

Nazi forces, backed by flying saucers, giant mecha, genetically engineered war-beasts (usually dinosaurs taken from the Hollow Earth), gigantic lasers based on the Moon, vampiric special forces, undead and cybernetic shock troops and dark occult lore, struck from Antarctica and South America. Cells that had been hidden in the western world (the USSR was a little too paranoid to successfully set up much in them) rose up as well, sabotaging military installations and trying to assassinate the command structure. Shocked by the emergence of Nazis and the weaponry they were wielding, the rest of the world ailed and struggled to formulate a proper response against them, allowing the Nazis to make significant gains.

By 2018, the war is still ongoing and everything has spiralled out of control.

The Fourth Reich has finally hit its limit. Despite the weaponry it possesses the lack of resources and manpower compared to the United Nations is beginning to show. When American and Russian nuclear missiles shot the Gotterdammerung laser installations from the Moon (at the cost of most of the world’s nuclear arsenals in retaliation before all of the lasers and killsats were destroyed), the Nazis lost their biggest advantage and had to rely, more and more on their more ‘conventional’ forces to make gains.

The Reich itself is a disturbingly regulated society, with what has essentially become a caste system organising the descendants of the Nazis into a tight and intensely micromanaged hierarchy. A breeding program and intense population control is in place in an attempt to not only increase the base population but also develop them into the ubermensch that Nazi scientists (specifically those associated with the SS) have dreamt of and theoretically designed decades ago. The cloning technology the Nazis did develop are imperfect and the clones they produce are usually short-lived and sickly and genetic engineering seems to still have unintended side-effects – namely of the mental disorientation and insanity variety.

Most of the population has been put under arms and sent to the military, the influx of slaves from conquered territories freeing people up for the armed forces. Automation, which the Nazis embraced to also help with their manpower problems, is also very extensive. Robotic and cybernetics, both of which are quite advanced (it helps when you have plenty of human test subjects), supplement the work force and have seen increased use in the military as well. Lack of resources has hindered these initiatives as well though and even these measures are starting to break down.

There is, however, an increasingly apparent schism growing within the Reich’s command structure as well. The SS have total control but they have been divided more and more between the Thule Society and the more conventional members. There is also, however, the Hitlerkult, those who venerate the memory of Adolf Hitler (and supposedly either have his brain in a jar or a computerised version of his personality; for what it’s worth) and do not recognise his successors. The conventional SS have always held most of the power but the Thule and Kult have been doing more and more to gain influence over the rest of the Reich and have been planting their own agents throughout the war effort to direct things their way.

The Reich’s offworld presence has been devastated since the nuking of the Mondreich’s facilities. There are a few bases, largely cut off from the Reich’s territories on the surface. They are wretched, small and isolated, struggling to get by and forced to mobilise their personnel to keep the machinery that keep them alive, unless they’re forced onto their base’s breeding programs. By this point most of the facilities are virtually independent and they are all suffering for it. The weapons satellites the Nazis put in space are still operating in a few places but most have either been damaged or exhausted their arsenals.

The Reich’s war effort is a very confusing thing these days. Conventional forces have largely ground to a halt now due to overstretch and with rebellions breaking out in their conquered territories they have been forced to station their already thinly spread forces to garrison their claims. On the mystical side of things the Allies have finally counteracted the forces they used to aid in their attacks. Once, the Lost Zones were unfortunate side-effects of overuse of mystical forces, now the Nazis are purposefully creating them to prevent attack by their enemies. Then there are the various groups that aid the Nazis who are poorly equipped, poorly organised and becoming more of a drain on the Reich than assets. Various leaders in Neu Germania are considering cutting their losses with these ‘allies’ and leaving them to die.

NATO were devastated by the Reich’s initial attacks but eventually found their feet, though they were on the defensive for several years after that. Though technically still at war they have been in a deadlock with the Reich for years now and things are still progressing slowly. However, they are going their way nonetheless.

The United States suffered the worst, both from genuine Reich attacks and the uprisings staged by secretive neo-Nazi groups in certain states. This served largely to unite the rest of the country, however, and despite the initial losses of the first couple of years, the USA has been able to pull itself back together and made several major thrusts both at home and overseas, against the Nazi forces and their allies.

The USA is on a war footing, its population has been mobilised in a manner in which it never has been before and has been producing weaponry at a pace not seen since the Second World War. There is also a degree of paranoia that still permeates much of society as people fear other subversive cells might still exist and witch hunts for Nazis and ‘Nazi sympathisers’ are very common. Martial law is in place over the entire nation and an emergency government holds more power than any other US regime ever has before it. There haven’t been elections in decades and the current president was a relatively low ranking member of government prior to the Reich performing a surprise attack on Washington DC.

Prior to the war, the USA also had their own abnormal and supernatural artefacts that they had acquired over the centuries and hidden away in secret facilities. These bases, many of which had been collecting extraterrestrial items from around the world since the 1910s (it didn’t go international until the 50s though and tended to be confined to the non-Communist sphere) had also been trying to reverse engineer as much as they could but had made little progress. That has changed since the war began as the US rolled out whatever alien weaponry they could activate to counter the Reich’s more esoteric arsenal.

There has been little success in deploying anything that isn’t either totally unique and therefore irreplaceable or a series of one-off weapons. There has been some attempt to deploy some forms of domestic technology as well but most of it has been focused on facilitating the war and protecting the portions of the US not under Nazi occupation. The US has also finally begun to push back into outer space, with the Mondreich now effectively destroyed and the ‘alien tech’ derived technology having been perfected a little bit more.

Russia was the Reich’s other major target but since they hadn’t been able to infiltrate it like they had the United States, the initial attack was not as devastating. Russia was sent reeling by the Reich’s attack but eventually made a stalemate and then fought back, tapping into a large supply of mothballed Soviet weaponry to arm the populace as much as possible.

Modern Russia finally expelled the Nazi forces from their territory though it came at a high cost of several cities including Moscow, St Petersburg and Vladivostok as well as their nuclear arsenal. They have since gone on to become a military dictatorship (Putin, of course, still being in charge) with most of the population having been brought under arms in some manner. The state, like the USA, has dedicated itself to churning out weaponry to combat the Reich. With the revelation of the Thule Society’s dark forces, the Orthodox Church have also risen to prominence and Putin has successfully co-opted that, adding them to what is now an extensive propaganda machine.

Whilst they didn’t have the same volume of material as the UK, the Russians did inherit a substantial number of ancient mystical texts and artefacts from the USSR (who, in turn, took them from the Nazis and from across the Balkans). Though it came at the cost of creating a number of Lost Zones, the Russians not only beat back many Reich offensives but have produced their own esoteric arsenal, usually warheads and ammunition saturated in unholy or indescribable power as well as the use of empowered psychics and precognitives. Their close relationship with the Orthodox Church and their increasingly religious and reactionary population keeps them from creating too many unholy weapons but desperate times have created some desperate measures.

Russia has also moved back into Eastern Europe, essentially reforming the Warsaw Pact in an attempt to both clear the Nazis from the continent and secure the region for themselves. This has led to them essentially conscripting the entire area to their war effort as well.

Europe, whilst not bearing the brunt of the Reich’s, did end up facing the nastiest attack. The most fanatical soldiers were sent to retake (and cleanse) the fatherland and burnt a path of destruction across the continent. France took the brunt of the invasion and Germany ended up being the largest and most horrific battlefield in the war.

The UK suffered an Operation Sea Lion (version 2.0) that actually landed on the British shores. Having already seen what had happened to most of France, the UK broke out its own esoteric collection of bizarre artefacts. Though they didn’t have as much alien technology as the USA, the British collection of occult literature and lore was the largest in the world (and mostly plundered from around the world during the days of the empire). They managed to repulse the Nazis with a comparative minimum of damage and have since become the ones leading the fight against the Reich in Western Europe.

The rest of the EU has been forced to centralise in order to survive the war the Nazis inflicted on them. Most of their societies have been mobilised to fight the remaining Nazi presence on the continent. Most of the (free) continent is now militant and paranoid as an entire generation has grown up through the war, living on and around the worst battleground in the entire conflict. Plans are also being drawn up by the – now substantially more powerful – government for after the Nazis have been defeated and the Russians become the next major threat to them. Like America, the entirety of Europe is also in a state of paranoia against Nazi infiltration and overt fascism in general (or perceived fascism – a lot of innocent people have ended up swinging from lampposts).

China, though receiving some attacks, was not one of the Reich’s major targets. The near collapse of the global economy due to the devastation of much of America and Europe was a major blow to China and the rapid development they had been undergoing. They did also receive a few shots from the Mondreich’s arsenal when they were trying to scour the world of usable nuclear silos, hitting a few cities whilst doing so.

Technologically this world is all over the place. Conventional technology is still stuck in the 90s, especially in domestic fields, due to the strain the war has put on the world. The internet has largely been shut down due to its infiltration by the Reich. What little is still operational has largely reverted to being a means of coordinating NATO’s computer systems to help their war effort. Resource shortages have also made private transportation that is not involved with either the government or the military is virtually non-existent now. A lot of old fashioned measures such as garden vegetable patches and rabbit farms, intense recycling and localised projects to create fuel to power communities have also been revived across most of the world to alleviate pressure on national resources.

The Nazis have the largest arsenal of unconventional technology, all of which they developed themselves and are able to reproduce much more easily than their opponents’ weapons. The Nazis, despite losing their substantial weapons platforms on the Moon and in orbit, still have their flying saucer fleets (which serve as flying tanks or, in the case of the larger models, aircraft carriers), their combat mech suits and powered armour, cybernetic slave soldiers (there was one use for the failed clones) and submersible, stealth floating fortresses. Nazi rocket technology had largely been dropped in favour of their anti-gravity saucers but they do still have a few massive rockets set aside for either Doomsday weapons even the Reich is too scared to use or as evacuation vessels to flee (the Moon is not an option so they’ll probably go for the Outer Solar System).

NATO’s unconventional technology is of extraterrestrial origin in some fashion or another. The United States has all manner of space junk that it has either found in its own territory or picked up from around the free(ish) world during the Cold War. The giant, alien blob it found in a meteor rock was both useless and dangerous to be taken out of the frozen sawdust they imprisoned it in. Some large, bulky laser cannons have been replicated but most are so large they have to be carried on missile launcher trucks and need enormous cooling systems to operate – they do work though and can cut through Nazi flying saucers with ease. Britain has a large number of artefacts pulled from the interdimensional rift that hangs over the Midlands. Most of its broken or useless but they have managed to replicate an anti-gravity drive and are finally sending their own aerial warships into the air and, on day, into orbit.

Then there’s the occult. There’s rarely anything pleasant that comes from beyond the veil of reality. The Thule Society made it their mission to harness the supernatural forces and have managed to create several forms of undead servitor to use as they wish. There also the werewolves and even some vampires though the carefully pacts they had to form with them were difficult to attain. Psychics and sorcerers are employed by both sides but it usually takes the powers of the latter to enhance the former to the point where they are useful. The Thule have also harnessed various deep-sea abominations to aid their naval forces whilst the UK, the Reich’s number one opponent in the occult, have bargained with both the Seelie and Unseelie Courts of the Fae to find weapons to combat the Nazis. There’s also rumours that the Hitlerkult used dark forces to preserve Hitler’s brain and that they sacrifice pure-blooded, virgin, Aryan women every Solstice in order to sustain him.

Things are about to change, however. The US has finally recovered all of the secretive files of the Philadelphia Project. Far from rendering the vessels invisible, the project actually sent the ship through time and space. Though it had failed, the US have been able to perfect the process into a working teleporter. The USA has already managed to transport a protected, ovular vehicle from Nevada to London and has been cooperating with the EU to produce more teleporters. Once they are done, they can launch attacks on the Reich, bypassing all defences instantly. With any luck, in a few years, the war will be over.

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Wouldn’t the nazis possess a lot of resources if they conquered South America?