ConsultationRoyal-Manda on DeviantArt

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Royal-Manda's avatar




Balterus (right) and Merzerus (left) having a low-word-count-discussion about their route. Probably pondering how many poorly guarded towns they can 'visit' on their long way... as Draken are especially nice guys.

Drakar Warlocks are usually more of a medic and rarely involved in any leading responsibilities, however, Balterus has a lower level of leadership pride compared to the average taur 'culture' and prefers to ask for opinions of older or more experienced taurs. Or at least of 'Drakar' taurs, as he belongs to the pure-blood-ideologists that won't recognize non-dragonic taurs as their own kin. Merzerus is as dragonic as non-dragon-taurs can get though, so his company and wisdom is tolerated. They... don't practically like each other outside of these discussions. Usually they don't even like each other within said discussions and are glad to part ways as soon as they can.

On a side note: All taurs choose their own names once they are accepted into a herd and marked as an adult Drakar. Their names have no meanings and usually just sound like two gladiator names poorly smashed together. That's... basically exactly what they are looking for when thinking about a name - trying really hard to come up with something new, strong, that nobody has ever heard of. It's incredible important for a Drakar to never come across of somebody else with the same name.
Also, it’s been so long since I last drew a scene I can’t even tell if I did better or worse than usually, haha. I enjoyed this more sketchy style but it actually took MORE time to finish than the usual clean stuff (that dA didn't get to see because all I did for the past two years where (reference sheet) commissions, erm...)
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1389x800px 1.43 MB
© 2019 - 2025 Royal-Manda
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Runenkatze's avatar

Sieht wirklich richtig nice aus : D

ich mag deinen Stil aus 2019 ;P