Roxula-is-hot's avatar


A Roxula fanclub. JOIN US!
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anonymous's avatar
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Arwen17's avatar
All Dracula scenes from the movie back-to-back:…
XD Enjoy!
Arwen17's avatar
ugh, why are there no forums/discussion groups anywhere online for Roxula or the entire movie in general??!?

There's nowhere to over-analyze every detail of the movie with other fans!

First question:
I've been wondering about what Dracula said to Van Helsing at the end of the movie:
"Don't be afraid, Gabriel. I will give you back your life, your memory."
I can't figure out if Dracula is just lulling him into a false sense of security so he can murder him or if he planned to turn Gabriel into a vampire? If he did plan to turn him, was that to spit in god's eye so to speak, some kind of twisted revenge for Gabriel murdering him, because they used to be best friends and Dracula wanted his bro-mance buddy back XD, or because he felt sorry for him being the left hand of god and wanted to "free" him?

This movie drives me crazy with the tidbits it drops about all of the characters, but then never actually explains anything further.
AmethystSadachbia's avatar
I cannot believe it took so long for me to discover this group.

Finally, others who know what it's like to have literally drooled in the movie theatre when the Count was on screen! :XD:
Zenfirebird's avatar
Important link. Cipsa is back.
Batjoke12's avatar
what does Roxluas mean? something w/dracula yes but what else?
Sahkmet's avatar
Roxula is the fandom name for the Dracula that appeared in the 2004 movie 'Van Helsing', his actor being Richard Roxburgh. This way we can know which Dracula we're talking about. :)