I'm Luciana, I have a degree in Graphic Design (FADU, UBA, Argentina) since 2019.
I also have great experience drawing due to my love for art!
Soy Luciana, tengo el título de diseñadora gráfica (FADU, UBA, Argentina) desde el 2019.
También tengo mucha experiencia dibujando debido a mi amor por el arte!
Current Residence: Buenos Aires | Argentina
Favourite genre of music: Chill Out | Nu Jazz | Pop | R&B | KPOP
Favourite style of art: Manga | Impressionism | Art Deco | Streamlining
Operating System: Windows 10
Heya! Do you take free art requests by any chance? :>
Thank u for fav, stay tuned for more:)
your witch is lovely!
Thanks! Glad you think that!😁
un placer artista mágica!
Hi, hello there :)