- I accept paypal , Zelle, and DA Points
- I reserve the right to refuse, it is my time after all
-Payment can be sent at anytime but the finished image will not be sent until payment is sent in full
-I will send wip Images
-give me up to thirty days to finish the image, if I do not send updates please feel free to remind me I’m very forgetful
- absolutely will NOT do NSFW end of story.
Thank Yoooouuuuuu
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/hand-drawn-halloween-pattern_9263167.htm#fromView=keyword&page=1&position=8&uuid=e52ffabb-6112-4cbf-8582-8555ae130cb3">Image by freepik</a>
Thank you for the favorite! It's very inspiring to me!
Thank you very much for the fave! It means a lot to me! :)