TaurusRott-i-kins on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rott-i-kins/art/Taurus-822964036Rott-i-kins

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Rott-i-kins's avatar




My old reference of this character is just that, very old. So I did this recently as an updated version. It's a bit old and I see some places I could have done better on, but overall I'm very happy with it still. He's sort of a near and dear to me character. And I just like centaurs.

Cutting through the remainder of my school stuff lately, just trying to upload some things I haven't a bit at a time. I have some commissions in the pipeline that aren't quite finished, but they will be finished and up soon. 
Image size
2274x2215px 1.36 MB
© 2019 - 2025 Rott-i-kins
anonymous's avatar
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dreameroftheblue's avatar
I adore himmm~

by the way do you ever happen to take on any sort of art trade? :3c