Roth1000's avatar


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178 Watchers181 Deviations

RedFace #7 by Roth1000, literature

The Courageous DragonMan #24 by Roth1000, literature

MK1 Kombat Pack II Guest: Guts by Roth1000, literature

MK1 Kombat Pack II Guest: James Heller (DLC Skin) by Roth1000, literature

MK1 Kombat Pack II Guest: Doomguy by Roth1000, literature

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The Courageous DragonMan #24 by Roth1000, literature

MK1 Kombat Pack II Guest: Guts by Roth1000, literature

MK1 Kombat Pack II Guest: James Heller (DLC Skin) by Roth1000, literature

MK1 Kombat Pack II Guest: Doomguy by Roth1000, literature

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My Bio

Hi there, My name is Roth1000 and I live in New York. And I-I really don't know what else to say.

Favourite Movies
Godzilla Final Wars, The Thing (1982), Iron Giant, Godzilla (2014), The Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy, The Dark Knight trilogy, Kung Fu Panda trilogy, Transformers (2007), Shin Godzilla, Star Wars (Original & Sequel Trilogies)
Favourite TV Shows
Ed Edd n Eddy, Spongebob Squarepants, The Simpsons, American Dad, Family Guy, South Park, Teen Titans, Mlp, RWBY, My Hero Academia, Justice League Unlimited, Dragon Ball Z, Transformers Prime, One Piece, Spectacular Spider-Man
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
All-American Rejects, Three Day Grace, Skillet, Linkin Park, Micheal Jackson, The Beatles, Image Dragons, Hollywood Undead, Breaking Benjamin, RED, Black Veil Brides,
Favourite Books
Old Man Logan (Original Comic), All-Star Superman (Original Comic), Batman: The Killing Joke (Original Comic), An Invisible Thread (A Memoir)
Favourite Games
Prototype, The Halo Trilogy, Super Mario, Mortal Kombat, Mafia
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360
(Original Artist: I stated around a week ago that RedFace #5 would be out soon. This chapter took longer then I thought, and I'm sorry about that. But it's out now, and if your interested to see how the first arc of RedFace ends, take a read for yourself!
anonymous's avatar
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Hello, For context, I usually don't make updates like this, I just see them as being kind of pointless. But, I decided that I should make one. Now, for those of you who subscribed to my channel to read my original stories, (The Courageous DragonMan and RedFace), I really do appreciate it. And if you have, you probably notice how I inconsistently release chapters months apart. The reason for that is the kind of reasons you'd expect, classes, work, trying to apply to better jobs, and other life things that get in the way of it. And I apologize for that. I'll try to do my best to make announcements of when I'm going to release new issues of my stories and try to spend more of my free time writing them. Also, DragonMan and RedFace are FAR from my only stories, many more characters, both heroes and anti-heroes are coming in the future. But first, I still need to work on the issues of RedFace for now. I know most people don't give original stories a chance, and I get it. But once again
anonymous's avatar
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Hey, just to let you guys know the Origin Comics Database Wiki was just updated with new pages and characters! If your reading DragonMan and RedFace and are interested in the characters and lore, check it out! Origin Comics Database Wiki Link!
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Largebiy1009's avatar

My mortal kombat 1 kombat pack 3 request.



John wick



Cassie cage.

Roth1000's avatar

1. I don’t take requests

2. I’m done with MK guest profiles.

3. It’s extremely annoying.

CaoticArt's avatar

Thanks for the fav!😀

CaoticArt's avatar

Thanks for the fav!😀