RotG-Central's avatar


Rise of the Guardians
Years Ago

Midnight Summer Ball Contest Entry (BlackIce) by Sorrows-Of-The-Dawn, literature

Comments 408

anonymous's avatar
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krysathorn's avatar
pitch becomes a whole lot more creepy when you know about nightmare deaths
JadeAnnabelArt's avatar
Am I just silly, I haven't been online in awhile but I can't find a submit button...
lunar-bandit's avatar
If you're a member already, you can submit your work by clicking this: 

Group Submit Help by lunar-bandit

Hope that helps!
JadeAnnabelArt's avatar
That options not there. It's just the 'suggest a fave.' I know i'm part of the group because It's on my deviantart page. Really weird.
lunar-bandit's avatar
Hmm... Are you sure you’re listed as a member and not just a watcher? Another deviant brought up an issue with people being unable to join recently so that might be the problem—it could be listed as watching, which is why it shows up in your notifications, instead of being a member. If that’s the case, I think I fixed the bug to join the group so you can try re-joining? Or you could PM me a screen shot of what you see when you’re looking at the group page and I can try to help you from there.