I am a gamergirl, and a very heavy roleplayer. D&D, Star Wars The Old Republic, WoW, Final Fantasy 14, Roll20, Star Wars D20 Revised, Mage the Ascension, Vampire the Masquerade, Exalted... Experienced in so many.
Favourite Movies
Star Wars Episodes 1-6 (There is no Episode 7+)
Favourite TV Shows
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Symphony X
Favourite Books
Star Wars, Sci-Fi
Favourite Games
WoW, FF14, SWTOR, D&D, Exalted, Star Wars D20 Revised, WoD
I have a Youtube Channel where I livestream all of my Star Wars: The Old Republic activities. Join me as I show you my new characters, Zahra Craven (Traditional Jedi Force Healer) and Rosyla Vaesrys (Corellian Jedi Juyo/Jar'kai User), and take you th...
Nicely done. Love the content & the context that it is in. Would love to RP sometime on Star Forge, but from the looks of it you are 'Retiring' from SW:TOR ?? Or am I wrong ?? I hope I am wrong, because Gems like you are a rare and beautiful find. Hope all goes well , and hope to talk sometime in the near future. Till then, be well.
Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed the read. Yes, I have left SWTOR after the final fall of my guild at the hands of the Sith guild that took my character and her final fate when she was turned to the Dark Side was the end of her Jedi path and into darkness. It was a perfect way for me to end my 6-year tenure in the game. <3