Code Geass:Lamperouge Brothersrosiael on DeviantArt

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Code Geass:Lamperouge Brothers



You give me the reason to live
In my dirty heart
I hear you call me
And you reach out to carry me away

-"I will Become a Bird (by Hitomi)" Code Geass R2 OST

:iconpandarosi: Xtine as Rolo Lamperouge
:iconrosiael: Myself as Lelouch
Photography by :iconlina-lau: and cropping/editing by me.
Location:London Expo @ Custom at Excel, UK

The photo was a bit grainy, since it was not the sunniest of days (it was freezing apparently, and we were outside), that day, but I just aimed for the "bog standard" cosplay photo look, nothing atmospheric or anything like that. I just want a change, I guess? I also want to take this opportunity to apologise should anyone be displeased with this cosplay and cosplay photo. We hope to have a proper shoot soon. I changed my eye make-up compared to the volcano shoot.

A few weeks ago, I was just on top of a Volcano with ~rancidgravy, *behindinfinity, *angstxiety, ~Huzafan and various others, now it seems I have travelled thousands and thousands of miles back to good old Britain was tempted to say "Britannia". I'm back to facing the realities that is real life T___T. I am missing everyone already, but I am also happy to see all my friends here. London Expo was crowded, but it was awesome in a sense that we got to do random crack and photo shoots. Everyone's costumes were awesome! Kanon (=firedaemon) did not fail to provide the YAOI fanservice together with Schneizel (~lex-is-evil). :D I should stop babbling here.

Photo Trivia: Here's a group photo, though not complete, taken by Redkun.. Before this shot was taken, many things happened. Rolo was pushing Nunnally off her wheelchair and abusing her with his retractable, fake knife. Schneizel, after having some YAOI session with Kanon, sat on it instead... Li Xing Ke stole Schneizel's coat... Gino accidentally destroyed Zero's mask. LOL
Image size
1115x778px 633.91 KB
Shutter Speed
1/50 second
Focal Length
24 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Oct 25, 2008, 3:10:41 PM
© 2008 - 2025 rosiael
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Rinzlerkitty94's avatar
Aw, look how cute Rolo is. I love it.