FireStrike - Lineage Sale | SoldRosela on DeviantArt

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FireStrike - Lineage Sale | Sold


Badge Awards


:star: Sold to Revveri :star:

Name: FireStrike  
Nicknames: Strike, Fireball +
Gender: Mare
Age: >1 year
Breed: Zlesdin 
Color: Chestnut Sabino (silver and flaxen carrier)
Genotype: ee/aa/nSb/nf/nZ
Discipline: Cross Country, Endurance, or Show Jumping

Embryo Transfer (due to a very temperamental dam)

Personality: Vocal little filly, she loves to make her presence known. Fierce and loyal, but filled with endless energy, she will be a handful for even the more experienced horseman. She has a completely fearless personality, and will paw at the ground to intimidate new things- including inanimate objects. When she's ready to go- she goes, full throttle!  


------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Felixanu
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Tanio |ZS1036
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD Altavola
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: ASRC Operation Onyx
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Vulpecula|ZM1048
------------------------------------------ DDS:AR Phest Evil
----------------- DD: FF Est Eval SOLD
------------------------------------------ DDD: KBEC Prinzessin Erz

DDDD: ZM0094 S3 Aprindere
DDDS: KBEC Casually Caramello

DDSSS: Zarathustra
DDSSD: Opheliac my Madness

-Paypal or Points (widget)-

100 :points: = $1
The bid unchallenged for 24 hours wins
-Do not change the Name, Breed, Color, Geno of the horse please, but you may alter the design slightly

-SB: 10$   

Approval Proof by dat-inu
Image size
1417x1189px 332.21 KB
© 2024 - 2025 Rosela
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KloverField's avatar

Babys got some big ears! 😍🫶