AC: Day 9roseandthorn on DeviantArt

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roseandthorn's avatar

AC: Day 9



Congratulations :iconcalamitychemist: for winning yesterdays Advent Calendar request! She aksed if I could draw her ghostly character Carmori with his specter friend Geravo, who is :iconkocoa: 's creation. She wanted them doing something wintery :D
So I though of something alittle unique ^^''' There was a story I heard somewhere, that in the winter when it was bitter cold out, and the chimney sweeps had there busiest time to clean out chimneys, they would warm there hands at the tops of the chimneys when it had a fire going in them (when they were on the roofs and not cleaning out that specific chimney). Sneaky little things.

Anyhoo.... I thought they should use that warmth to roast something. And I know ghosts don't need to eat, but those there are special GHOST marshmallows and weenie thank you very much, so they can technically eat them XD haha

Here's the Rules again: (I'll be adding this to every pic)
1. There will be a new Advent Calendar Picture posted everyday from now until Christmas Eve (cause in my religious sect we celebrate on Christmas Eve :D)

2. The first person to comment on the picture will get to request the advent picture for the next day!

3. DON'T TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT ON THE COMMENT (It's supposed to be a surprise remember!) Just write something like "First comment!", I will acknowledge you like "Congrats!" or something like that. Then SEND ME A NOTE of what you want. That way it's a surprise! :D

4. SEND ME A NOTE ASAP!!! Like, within the first hour. Cause I have such a limited amount of time to make these, I need your request immediately. If I don't get a note from you, I'll have to choose the next runner up (which happened). Which, I'm really sorry I have to do... but I gotta!

5. You can't win twice! If you won one request one day, you can't win it again :( (sowwy) But I want everyone to have a turn at this :D

6. Requests will stop on Dec. 23. I'll be drawing the last picture for Christmas :D

Rules for requests... (gah I sound like such a crab with these rules)

1. I will NOT draw Mary Sues/Marty Stus, sparkle things or anything too Naughty.

2. I can draw you anything other than that. Characters that already exist in movies or in books (like Mickey, Nobody Owens, or Thumbelina) I can draw your original characters. And heck, if you like any of my characters doing something you've always wanted to see, shoot! I'll draw it :D
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1800x1304px 1.8 MB
© 2010 - 2025 roseandthorn
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Plato82's avatar
This is so beautiful! *---*