Me and my folk have suffered a massive financial blow for the past three to four years now after my sperm donor of an abusive father divorced my mom and are barely struggling to keep up, if you could spread this around to as many people as you can I would appreciate it immensely, even just donating 5 bucks or more is enough as well https://gofund.me/ed145ff9
Guess Im gonna upload here again....
https://buzzly.art/~RoragosThePurpleOne2 is where I will be posting my art, come check it out!
https://discord.gg/C8vNJeRM Heyo peeps, its been months since i last said anything after the ApocECLIPSE incident but, Im looking for writers, idea peeps, artists etc for my project of Sonic Vindicate, its a story( potential comic ) about redemption for all the chars that were done wrong and give (hopefully) another good closer to Archie Sonic while also with some fan chars involved, if you wanna join HMU! :3
Im looking for good, passionate peeps who care about Sal and the Pre-reboot FF who are willing to be open to ideas and art and others opinions as long as nothing goes too far ^^
heh me and many others were right, Sega does own the FF, the best part? they dont own the shitty redesigns!