Zatanna Zatara (Earth-87)RoninTheMasterless on DeviantArt

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Zatanna Zatara (Earth-87)



Full Name: Zatanna Zatara

Alignment: Good

Affiliation(s): Justice League

Aliases: Sorceress Supreme

Nicknames: Z/Zee, Mistress of Magic
Relatives: Giovanni Zatara (Father), Sindella (Mother), Zachary Zatara (Brother)

Date of Birth: August 25th, 1994

Base(s) of Operations: Shadowcrest, Hall of Justice

Occupation: Professional Magician

Height: 5' 7"

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

In essence, the Zatanna Zatara of Earth-87 is a mix of her mainstream counterpart and Doctor Strange. She is a professional magician by day and a custodian of mystical artifacts by night. Her father, Giovanni Zatara, was a founding member of the Justice Society and is the latest Doctor Fate. While she possesses a greater talent for magic than her father, she is far less committed to being a superhero. She focuses on her craft as a magician and hunts for relics mainly for fun or as a kind of “magical exercise.” Nevertheless, she takes the power of relics seriously and is an active member of the Justice League. She even volunteers her home, Shadowcrest, as necessary. 

  • Techno Bacon and I fancast Natasha Liu Bordizzo for this version of Zatanna.

  • Unlike her official counterparts, this Zatanna is not a Homo magi. In fact, none exist in Earth-87, as Techno Bacon and I dislike the concept. 

  • As a custodian of mystical artifacts, Zatanna owns and makes use of several powerful objects, such as: the Sword of Night, Extraño's Wand/Wand of the White Witch, Crystal of History, Necronomicon, Grimorium Verum, Historama, Celestial Bow of Yi, Black Pearl, Philosopher's Stone (Formerly), Pandora's Box, Dreamstone, Kawolo's Magic Ring.

  • At her peak, Zatanna is one of the most powerful residents of Earth-87. 

  • Techno Bacon and I decided to make Zach Zatanna's brother rather than her cousin in an effort to create a Mycroft/Sherlock dynamic. Zach being the more talented but lazy brother and Zatanna being the less talented but far more active magic user. 

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AurelianZatara's avatar

I like this ideas. Zatanna should embrace the enchanted weapons and item on her Shadowcrest