Date KnightRoninTheMasterless on DeviantArt

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Date Knight



I'm beginning to think I should sketch out some of the story ideas I have developed over the years. This image is kind of a cover page for a story I have joking called Date Knight. This opens with Starfire arriving for a date and Knight Owl lying about not being ready yet when he's really leaving to handle a arms deal or some other criminal activity. In addition to having the two characters interact in playful and sweet ways, the story centers on Knight Owl and Starfire working through some conflicts in their personalities. 

Knight Owl has to lie constantly to be able to be an effective vigilante. The inherent deception in his life conflicts with the candor Starfire lives by. To spare her from that for the night and himself from an argument about the necessities of his work, he lies about needing time to get ready to knock this thing out: probably weapons and/or human trafficking. While some things he's deceptive about are necessary, he didn't have a good reason to lie to her about this. She needs to accept he cannot simply never lie or be deceptive in the world as if he were like a king, and he needs to learn to be more open with certain people, like her.

Secondly, they have to deal with a paradox of their merciful natures. Starfire is much more gentle in her personal interactions with others, but she will absolutely execute someone for something as horrible as human trafficking. Knight Owl has fewer social graces, is much more brutal in a fight, but he won't kill people unless it is necessary for self-defense or the defense of others. He needs to be a better partner and more honest with her. Anything less is an affront to her given the way her culture values candor and treats her as if he doesn't trust her. She also needs to transition a bit from warrior-princess to superhero

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3000x2531px 16.5 MB
© 2022 - 2025 RoninTheMasterless
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