RoninBoxers's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (23)
My Bio

Current Residence: Woodville, New Zealand
Favourite cartoon character: Foxy Love
Personal Quote: If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear

Favourite Movies
This changes too often to name one!
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Tool, NIN, Sublime
Favourite Games
Tools of the Trade
Canon 50d & 20d, kit lens and 85mm f1.8
Other Interests
Boxer dogs, photography, tropical fish. has been on the web for 10 years now!  I don't know where the time has gone.  To celebrate I want to freshen it up a little, and I think that a new header banner will do that nicely.  And I won't have to pull the code apart (I'm quite happy with the layout)I am hope to find someone on DA that can help me.  I could come up with something where I layer headshots of the dogs over a landscape, but I want something that "pops" a bit more, something a tad more artistic than what I might come up with.  (you can see how plain the current banner is)  Imagine a banner that may go on a dog photographers website....Suggestions on h...
anonymous's avatar
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Well, it is quiet here.  I just have Quin at home now, she's an awesome baby-girl and we are doing a lot of only-dog activities together.  I've found that I could get a permit to take her walking in the native bush, so thats something we do every day now.  When she's older (she's only 8 months at the moment) we may even do some bike tracks.Lola is loving her holiday in Australia.  We're very proud of her, she went to the two big Boxer Shows there and won Best in Show at one and Reserve Best in show at the other.  Won't be long now till she is an Australian Champion.On the photo side of things I spent 6 weeks in uk/europe so have a huge sta...
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Well, I'm back from my much anticipated trip to Australia with my bitch Lola.  Its the first time I've travelled internationally with a dog and it was quite an adventure.  Unfortunately (!!!!) while I was away, my beautiful girl Memphis had a tragic accident.  I got back at 2am this morning and learnt that due to a series of mistakes by the vets she has died. I didn't get a chance to see her again or say goodbye.  I have had Memphis her whole life, and still remember vividly the moment she was first in my hands when she was born.  This was the first time we'd been apart more than a weekend.I can't stop crying and I don't think I can throw ...
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Falkenhund's avatar
You have beautiful photos!
Shralana's avatar
Hi, just wanted to let you know that I was trying to get your photo * [link] * accepted in to my group gallery. Your photo has been sitting in my inbox long enough to expire, but instead of constantly renewing the offers, if you still want to put your photo in my gallery by the time you get this message, please feel free to submit it to my group, :icondog-expressions:! :D
IIF3ARxVIP3RZz's avatar
Hi love your dogs! please check out my page!
Shralana's avatar
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I want to put one of your pics in my group :D Check your messages!
spotnick97's avatar
Your boxers are so beautiful, their colors are awesome. My dad would love every single picture of your boxers, (his fav breed of dog) sometimes he even calls our dog a boxer, my family dog Caleb, is half pug half beagle hence his breed Puggle. and he does look like a boxer sometimes.
luciekout's avatar
beautiful boxers :) I have two myself :heart: (one is never enough)
Auwris's avatar
thank you so much for the fav <3