Whattaya wanna do, huh?rolfalmao on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rolfalmao/art/Whattaya-wanna-do-huh-122115104rolfalmao

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rolfalmao's avatar

Whattaya wanna do, huh?



"Whattaya wanna do, huh? Whattaya wanna do? I'm standing right here. How do you want to handle the situation?"

This is a rip of Randy from one of the funniest episodes of South Park. Randy is drunk and pissed, so he throws of his shirt and provokes the guy who pissed him off.

This .gif was created for use on Windows Live Messenger; basically to humorously over-react and start pointless confrontations.
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120x106px 45.2 KB
© 2009 - 2025 rolfalmao
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dorkanese's avatar
Hi there,

I nicked this one for a presentation on emoticons. You'll be cited in the bibliography and I'd be happy to link you to the video when it's done.