i'm looking for somebody who'd be down for either a gumball/jurassic park crossover or a carrie/godzilla crossover
i have a starter for anybody interested :
(at a office building)
(a man is at his desk typing when another man walks up to him)
man 2 : hey earl , phone for you , they say it's urgent
(earl leaves his desk and goes to the phone)
earl : yes
woman : (on the other line) HONEY , COME QUICK , I'M ABOUT TO DELIVER OUR BABY
(earl immediately hangs up and runs out of the building and in to another , where he finds the woman who called in labor , then takes her to his car and drives to the hospital as quick as possible)
(a few minutes later)
(earl is waiting outside when a doctor approaches him)
doctor : mr. antonio , your wife is ready now
(earl enters the room and finds his wife holding a baby girl)
woman : earl , glad you're here , say hello to maribel (hands maribel to him)
(the next day)
(earl is going in to the office building and finds the boss at his desk)
earl : boss , ok , uh , before you say anything , i just wanna apologize for running out like that yesterday , i had a emergency in the family , and i just had to-
boss : (sarcastically) hey , no worries , why don't you take the day off , (in a angry tone) in fact , take the rest of your life off , YOU'RE FIRED
I'm looking for someone to Rp with. Someone who is willing to play as Mermaid ver Sun, Moon and Eclipse for a NSFW RP on Discord. I want to do my oc x them. Note me if interested.