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anonymous's avatar
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DemonicFury5678's avatar

i'm looking for somebody who'd be down for either a gumball/jurassic park crossover or a carrie/godzilla crossover

DemonicFury5678's avatar

i have a starter for anybody interested :

(at a office building)

(a man is at his desk typing when another man walks up to him)

man 2 : hey earl , phone for you , they say it's urgent

(earl leaves his desk and goes to the phone)

earl : yes

woman : (on the other line) HONEY , COME QUICK , I'M ABOUT TO DELIVER OUR BABY

(earl immediately hangs up and runs out of the building and in to another , where he finds the woman who called in labor , then takes her to his car and drives to the hospital as quick as possible)

(a few minutes later)

(earl is waiting outside when a doctor approaches him)

doctor : mr. antonio , your wife is ready now

(earl enters the room and finds his wife holding a baby girl)

woman : earl , glad you're here , say hello to maribel (hands maribel to him)

(the next day)

(earl is going in to the office building and finds the boss at his desk)

earl : boss , ok , uh , before you say anything , i just wanna apologize for running out like that yesterday , i had a emergency in the family , and i just had to-

boss : (sarcastically) hey , no worries , why don't you take the day off , (in a angry tone) in fact , take the rest of your life off , YOU'RE FIRED

SalyaDarken's avatar

I'm looking for someone to Rp with. Someone who is willing to play as Mermaid ver Sun, Moon and Eclipse for a NSFW RP on Discord. I want to do my oc x them. Note me if interested.

JR-Art-n-Doodles's avatar
I’m looking for someone who would like to roleplay Puppy Dog Pals with my friend.  Please send me a note if you’re interested.  Thanks.
LiquidSquidz's avatar
24 m cat bi. Scenario: I’m at an old bar when I’m suddenly visited by Death from Puss in Boots, who is pregnant or full of souls. He wants me to rub his belly and have some “fun” with him before he takes away my life. If interested, note me.