Roger334's avatar


The Paintsmith
714 Watchers636 Deviations

Let there be night...

Classic Summer Fun

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Artist // Professional // Film & Animation
  • Mexico
  • Deviant for 14 years
DeviantArt Tutorials Landscape: Participated in Tutorials Campaign
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
Trick-or-Treat: Someone thought you deserved a treat! (2)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (4)
Gold Coin 2023: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
My Bio

I have been doing stuff for the internet since 2005, but it was until 2013

when I started drawing ponies. Some of my contents have been

published outside DA. However, all my official creations are here.

Other than little horses and pony princesses I love pizza, gaming,

and collecting Lego sets. Please feel free to check my gallery.

You might find something interesting.

My other accounts:

📚 FIMFiction:…

🌕 The Longest Night™ tumblr: 

✨ The Rogerverse:

Profile Comments 803

anonymous's avatar
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DarkKyle2000's avatar

Hello @Roger334 are you there and if so i will like to talk to you if you would hear me out because i was wondering if you could digitally drawn my request for a png vector of catwoman from max's the harley quinn show 2019 adult animated series as a fat catwoman using these pictures as reference since i'm only curious to know is all as i will be honored if you could digitally drawn my request when you have time to @Roger334

Catwoman [Harley Quinn, 2020 (TV Series)]

Roger334's avatar

I'm honored you thought of me for a third time in a row, but I don't produce art on demand. Not this year in particular. That and your concept is not the kind of stuff I make. Perhaps other users can help you achieve what you seek.

DarkKyle2000's avatar

i understand and was wondering if instead of that if the vector of sinner adam from hazbin hotel could be digitally drawn by you in the future or at least considered in the future @Roger334


his pose is that he is rocking out on his axe like guitar

What a hellhole
Roger334's avatar

I will consider it, but I can't make any promises. Moreover, after reviewing my schedule for this year, the earnest would be autumn. Hope that helps.

America has claimed Luna!

Ever think what would happen if Luna had been a guest star in the Space 1999 series? I have ideas would be fun to share.

DarkKyle2000's avatar

Hello @Roger334 are you there and if so i will like to talk to you if you would hear me out because i was wondering if you could make my request of my oc's multiversal sinister six team png vector of the brotherhood of chaos by editing the vectors of each member with the details that each villain member has if you don't mind me asking because i'm curious to know and would be honored if you could do so like how you make your other png vectors

the brotherhood of chaos (which the members are my super-villain oc dark shadow (the design is inspired by WatsonDom's design of my oc but has the pose from the pic digitally drawn by @@CashWolf14 and was wondering if you could edit the pic digitally drawn by @@CashWolf14 but with the details of WatsonDom's design of my oc) and striker from helluva boss and rahzar from tmnt 2012 and the green goblin (norman osborn) from insomniac spider-man video game series which the design is inspired by SUP-FAN's design of the green goblin but is digitally drawn in the 2d art style of insomniac spider-man video game series and negaduck (jim starling) from ducktales 2017 cartoon series but the design is inspired by venom2251v's design of negaduck but has the pose of his counterpart from the original darkwing duck cartoon and also has is his chainsaw and is edited in the style of ducktales 2017 cartoon series and bowser koopa from the super mario bros 2023 animated movie series but has the pose of the render of super mario bros 2023's bowser koopa by @@Blue-Leader97 and for it is edited with the designs of @@Zigwolf 's bowser but is fused with @@Vadarts 's version of bowser)

Roger334's avatar

You are not going to like my reply, but I am still going to try.

The thing is I don't do commissions for anyone, like at all.

There have been a few exceptions in the past, for sure, but even then those were more like "payment" than actual gifts for the help I received with my projects.

Currently I am struggling big time trying to complete my own schedule for this year, let alone including more workload on top of the piles I have to finish by autumn. I really don't have time to do any of your requests since my time is pretty much limited, and I mostly spend it working on my own projects.

 There are other members in DA that most likely would be interested in helping you out, but I can't. Sorry about that.