Humanoid Creatures of Constellation Draco 2RoFlo-Felorez on DeviantArt

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Humanoid Creatures of Constellation Draco 2



Something i did a while back to test out my skills of making humanoid looking creatures out of "normal" animals

Rule of Constellation Draco Regarding Humanoids:
There is no true humanoid creature other than the homo sapien types. The "humanoid" creatures are simply a clash of evolution in which several species attempt at having an advanced member of the family tree that shows signs of near human intelligence. There is no such thing as a half-human half animal creature on Constellation Draco; it wouldnt make sense for a mermaid to be half mammal and half fish, where would that come from? its either a fish or a mammal and i pick fish :P

A. Sphinx: just a glorified lion with humanlike hands, still working the kinks on this one, but i feel like people would just say they're mystical for being big :P

B. Pixie: same as with fairies, but they're a little less amphibious and more reptilian. Oh and they're carnivores, preying on families of Fairies or some potentially larger prey. anything smaller than a bull will do for them.

C. Kraken: i couldnt think of a humanoid squid creature until Cthulu hit me a while back :P the kraken was just gonna be a giant squid with a parrot beak inside it for jaws, nothing much goin on here

D. Manticore: these creatures a a pretty mysterious branch as well. its still unclear where they evolved from, possibly being a mixing of different breeds of creatures by sinister wickens to create their personal hellhounds. they possess a poisonous barb tail and armor plating on their backs. and they have a more lion like body as well so its possible they may be altered felines

E. Anubis: basically an Egyptian werewolf, worshipped by pyramid builders and offered sacrifices to. highly adored for their manes and seen as a huge symbol of power and glory, which is why the pyramid designs are adorned with them

F. Tree People: dont be fooled, they're 4 eyed mammals with a tree like coating on their bodies. they've evolved a style of life hiding from predators by becoming vegetation and disguising themselves with more of it. the extra pair of eyes are less noticeable than the main eyes and offer a vigilant watch in times of panic. the horns might suggest a possible ungulatine ancestor.

G. Rock People: same as with Tree people but more evolved for rocky landscapes. also more of a quadruped lifestyle in which they often ram each other during mating season. stear clear of these rocky rhino creatures :P

H. Minotaur: basically the same evolutionary path as the Satyr, refer to the other one cus i dont wanna type again :P

I. Blemmye: often described as a headless man with a monster's face on its torso, it's actually a short necked ape with a round body, often leading to misconceptions of the image. the mean looking face might explain the monstrous appearance of the ape.

J. Elephant Man: i was running out of ideas for a humanoid creature, so i made a walking elephant, maybe a heffalump or some shit like that :P if anyone has ideas for this one lemme know

K. Gargoyle: these are actaully semi-anthro dragons. they often live in groups, competing for territory with venomlip wyverns, usually igniting turf wars in small villages. some villages may have even domesticated a few leaopard gargoyles to fend them from the venomlip attacks.

L. Reverse Mermaid: i gave it a try cus i ran out of ideas :P but why not try to make a flying fish with frog legs? its a stretch but it miiiiiight work

M. Bigfoot: basically a large, almost bipedal forest gorilla. the difference in foot design is what makes this ape more of a humanoid primate than any other great ape species in the world. if only it was better at developing a culture it might have been more successful in the ecological niche
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© 2012 - 2025 RoFlo-Felorez
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Evodolka's avatar
. Sphinx is neat, it looks like a creature that could totally exist :D
. pixies have always confused me, what is the difference between a pixie and a fairy? it has confused me for years
. kraken looks like when i am told to "act normal" harder than it looks actually
. interesting manticor, never seen one with such a rocky looking skin, and i thought they had wings, looks great either way
. anubis? interesting idea to have an Egyptian variant of the usual werewolf, i like it :)
. tree people are a new one to me, usually i'd hear people call them trents, ents, leshen or greenmen, but hot dam they look cute :meow:
. rock people i have heard less names for, think everyone just uses Golem because there is weirdly little names used for them, looks cool though :D
. minotaur... it scares me that my dog looks so much like this cow man, not sure if that is because your design looks cute or if my dog is scary :o
. never heard of a Blemmye before, but i now have something to check out later :la:
. aww, elephant man looks so cute, not sure if he is still massive or not but i love the way he looks :aww:
. that is a REALLY cool Gargoyle,i can picture it looking awesome with a stone like texture, i really want to try and draw a gargoyle myself but i am stuck on what t make it look like
. reverse mermaid, i can't hear that name without thinking of Darwin from the amazing world of gumball
. so i assume Yeti is just a northern species of big foot or is the yeti some other creature entirely?