Horror film monstersRodrigo-Vega on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rodrigo-vega/art/Horror-film-monsters-102432093Rodrigo-Vega

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Horror film monsters



Well, even when the kind of creatures I like to design are more oriented towards fantasy and science fiction, It is imposible to deny the whide range of monsters that have been used throughout the history of horror films, and how much they have influenced creature design. So I had to give them a try.
The names are going to be reference to the type of monster and not the monster itself... that also makes the naming easier for me.

925) Murderous Guy: This is the typical guy with some hooks, chainsaws, hatchets or whatever, that makes up for 80% of all the horror films. Probably because It pretty easy to make them, just dress a bloke in some barely creepy raincoat and give him a hat or a mask to cover some of the face and there, done. In the beigining I thought this thing wasn't even a monster that could make it to the 1001, cause many times its a normal human. But you can never tell, it can be a ghost, a devil... anything.
Examples are Jason, maybe Freddy, Jeepers Creepers, the guy from I know what you did last summer, and the list goes on and on.

926) Inside You: There are lots of monsters that come from inside the characters themselves, sometimes destroying them like the aliens from Alien, sometimes destroying others like a regular werewolf. Here I made a werewolf, I wanted to make it look as if the werewolf would be shedding its skin or more like shreding the guy outside actually.

927) The Souce of all Evil: We've seen like a bazillion kind of devils and demons in all kind of films. I believe people likes to have someone or something to blame, even when that someone or something comes from ourselves.

928) Das Vampir: Ok, I'm personaly not a goth nor a vampire fan. Because I got friends that are all about vampires. There isn't even any interesting thing I can tell you about vampires you havent already heard like a million times, so I'm just posting a Simpsons quote about vampires:
Lisa: Dad, Mr Burns is a vampire, and he has Bart!
Mr. Burns: Why, Bart is right here!
Bart: (in monotone, looking unusually pale) Hello, mother. Hello, father. I missed you during my uneventful absence.
Homer: Oh Lisa, you and your stories! Bart is a vampire! Beer kills brain cells! Now let's go back to that... building... thingy... where our beds and TV... is.

929: Body After Death: This might exclude zombies, I already made a ehole page about zombies long ago [link] .. hugh and its pretty bad. This is more about weird Frankenstein like monsters. Have you seen Return of the Living Dead 3? well do you remember how Riverman ended? well those things are also included. .. Hugh now I remembered that movie -_-

930) Killer Clown: Or evil clowns are frequent themes too, of course far less frequent than werewolfs, zombies or vampires. But I can tell you something: ... clowns DO exist, and they can kill as anyone.
... Yes... no, I'm not talking about vampire bats, those exist too I know... no I'm not talking about voodoo zombies either... OK shut up.

931) Killer Toy: Toys are real to, but they cannot kill... or at least not by themselves lawn darts can kill... big time. But they have no intention of doing so. Other toys can kill too in other less evil ways... but still the idea of a toy running after you to kill you is completely different.

932) Aquatic Humanoid: The most common examplewould be the Creature from the Black Lagoon. But then you have this film which name I cannot remember about cheap genetically modified sharks that become more humanoid with time untill they grow legs... man was that movie bad. Sometimes they are good, as Abe Sapiens from Hellboy, he would also fall in this category.

933) Ancient Curse: mummies and stuff. I went for an Egyptian classic, but any ancient funerary culture would have done. I remember this one was a hard one, there isn't much to do with mummies. After all a mummy is nothing but a guy wrapped in toilet paper. Luckily I remembered ancient Egyptians used to mummify animals to, so I felt free to use animal parts.
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Cool! I like this!

also that film with the shark growing legs, it’s called Peter Benchle’s: Creature. I own the movie.