The DragonRodier on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

August 17, 2007
The Dragon by *Rodier is just simply amazing! The colors and detail blow my mind every time I look at it, full view and a long stare are necessary for this one! Soak all those little details in - truly a fantastic work of art!
Featured by cosmosue
Suggested by archanN
Rodier's avatar

The Dragon



Hey there people, its been a while.

Watching tip: if you're lucky to have some 3d glasses, please, be my guest and put them over ur eyes. Its not a 3d piece at all.... its just that with the 3d glasses u can see some real kickass color combinations (comic style).

im off to bed.

fs&cs always welcome.
Image size
930x666px 537.45 KB
anonymous's avatar
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