7 Virtues Dresses - Abstinencerockgem on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rockgem/art/7-Virtues-Dresses-Abstinence-213892942rockgem

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7 Virtues Dresses - Abstinence



After the relative success of my random dress designs themed on the seven deadly sins I decided to try tackling the seven heavenly virtues

this one would be Abstinence

opted for a peach shade - and as absinence is all about self restraint wanted to give the idea of being wrapped up or restraining almost hence all the lace or bow details on this one
opted for more pastel shades - virtues are indicating a degree of purity but doing them all white gave no depth

The Seven Virtues

:bulletblack: Chastity [link]
:bulletblack: Abstinence [link]
:bulletblack: Charity [link]
:bulletblack: Diligence [link]
:bulletblack: Patience [link]
:bulletblack: Humility [link]
:bulletblack: Kindness [link]

Fractal manipulation created using fractals rendered in apophysis and edited together in photoshop
Most the fractal shapes used in this can be found in my fractal stock folder.

The seven sins

:bulletblack: Gluttony [link]
:bulletblack: Greed [link]
:bulletblack: Wrath [link]
:bulletblack: Sloth [link]
:bulletblack: Vanity/ pride [link]
:bulletblack: Lust [link]
:bulletblack: Envy [link]

All images and literature/written work in =rockgem's gallery are © Gemma Hart. All rights reserved. Reproduction and/or retransmission of all or any part of this gallery are prohibited under copyright law. Users desiring to reproduce or retransmit all or any part of this gallery must first secure in writing the appropriate copyright and other authorization from the copyright owner. My work is not public domain.
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© 2011 - 2025 rockgem
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jess06's avatar
Very lovely, good thinking on the bows. ^^