Dont eat my daifukuRocketLaramie on DeviantArt

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Dont eat my daifuku



I wrote a long text, but I don't know how, I deleted it... >.< I am so tried to write it again, so I'll only write a simple description of the pic. (I am so angry now T____T )

Silvi the Vampire, my Sonic's fanchar, and Biscuit, her chao.

Biscuit is trying to eat the ichigo daifuku (a Japanese sweet ^o^ made with Mochi, Anko and Strawberry. Mochi= Sweet pastry of rice. Anko= Sweet pastry of bean)

It was a fast doodle, I didn't think I'd finally paint it. (Because of that it has very horrible and obvious mistakes, as the vampire's wings... ^^U) I think the vampire is too full of colors. I am not so much satisfied of how I colored it o.O
And the vampire has clothes' dark colors, but Biscuit has very shiny colors. And Biscuit's wings and aureole have their own light. I usually don't use the colors so right, but with this strange mix, I really need to make much more effort ^o^ So next time I'll try to improve it (and all) so much.

I tried to paint a daybreak, but I think it's not right too XD


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616x869px 853.1 KB
© 2012 - 2025 RocketLaramie
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OtiLoL's avatar
jaja!!! que malo es el bichito ese... Biscuit? da igual! el caso es.... que es un daifuku? :S