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Ya hace un tiempo que no probaba la aguada, y siendo una técnica tan fácil y que brinda un efecto tan lindo, decidí seguir practicando con ella (aunque mis ganas de agarrar un pincel mueren cada tanto xD). Estoy bastante satisfecha con esto, especialmente porque pude hacer un fondo simple fácilmente. Y porque Black me salió bien por una vez, aaaaah
It's been some since I tried the ink wash painting (aw yeah, I found the right name for it!), and since it's a quite easy technique that brings a nice effect, I decided to keep practicing with it (though my motivations dies fast xD). I'm pretty satisfied with this, especially because I could make a background easily. And Black looks good for once, aaaaah
Ink pen, china ink
Zamas & Black © Akira Toriyama
It's been some since I tried the ink wash painting (aw yeah, I found the right name for it!), and since it's a quite easy technique that brings a nice effect, I decided to keep practicing with it (though my motivations dies fast xD). I'm pretty satisfied with this, especially because I could make a background easily. And Black looks good for once, aaaaah
Ink pen, china ink
Zamas & Black © Akira Toriyama
Image size
698x1166px 581.86 KB
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Woah, you're awesome even when it comes to black and white