Star Wars The Force Awakens StormtroopersRobert-Shane on DeviantArt

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Robert-Shane's avatar

Star Wars The Force Awakens Stormtroopers



Back in November I drew a quick sketch of the updated Stormtroopers we glimpsed in the first trailer for The Force Awakens.  There wasn't much detail to go on at the time - so I didn't take long with it.  Now we've seen the second trailer - and have been able to see the new costume much clearer - I thought I'd go back and re-do that sketch.  

I'm getting to like these new troopers - and I think showing them off so far ahead of the new movie was a good tactic by Disney and Lucasfilm to make sure fans like me wouldn't be too shocked by the new look.  It's also been a great way to drum up a huge amount of anticipation for the film!

This is drawn in Photoshop using a Wacom pad.  Star Wars and its characters are copyright of Disney and Lucasfilm. This is fan art and isn't for sale or reproduction.
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© 2015 - 2025 Robert-Shane
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toht981's avatar
Set to stunning!